Source : AFP


1 à 200 de 1009 documents sélectionnés

Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
P 33262 7 octobre 1982 Guillaud, Pierre François Mitterrand et le Président rwandais Juvénal Habyarimana le 7 octobre 1982 à Kigali, capitale du Rwanda AFP
P T 33263 7 octobre 1982 Guillaud, Pierre Le Président français François Mitterrand plante le 7 octobre 1982 un arbre sous le regard du Président rwandais Juvénal Habyarimana (à droite), à Kigali AFP
P 20397 10 décembre 1984 Gobet, Georges Le président français, François Mitterrand, et le président rwandais, Juvénal Habyarimana, à Kigali le 10 décembre 1984 AFP
D T 12319 7 janvier 1987 10:48:00 Visite d'une délégation de parlementaires au Rwanda AFP
D T 12320 13 janvier 1987 08:12:00 Fin du séjour au Rwanda d'une délégation parlementaire française AFP
D T 12321 17 juin 1987 08:06:00 Visite de Jacques Foccart au Rwanda AFP
D T 12329 2 décembre 1987 08:29:00 Signature de conventions de financement entre la France et le Rwanda AFP
D T 12347 19 décembre 1988 14:50:00 Les Rwandais élisent le président Habyarimana pour un troisième mandat AFP
D T 12349 21 décembre 1988 Le président rwandais réélu avec 99,98 pour 100 des voix AFP
D 21343 9 mars 1989 L'intermédiaire dans la vente de missiles au Congo interpellé à Tignes AFP
D 21344 9 mars 1989 Mistral : Matra décide de porter plainte AFP
D 25871 October 4, 1990 Rwanda: government troops said running out of ammunition AFP
D 25872 October 4, 1990 13:25:00 Rwanda: Battlefront 'stabilized' ; official denies arrests AFP
D T 12367 4 octobre 1990 15:24:00 La France va envoyer des armes et des munitions au Rwanda AFP
D 25868 October 5, 1990 Rwanda: First group of Belgian paratroopers arrives in Kigali AFP
D T 12370 5 octobre 1990 16:30:00 Loth, Bernard Intervention française au Rwanda, la deuxième en Afrique depuis janvier AFP
D T 12371 5 octobre 1990 10:30:00 Les rebelles visaient des objectifs militaires à Kigali, selon une journaliste belge AFP
D T 12376 6 octobre 1990 18:10:00 Uztarroz, Ricardo Le calme règne dans la capitale rwandaise AFP
D T 12398 15 octobre 1990 17:47:00 Ustarroz, Ricardo Les rebelles formaient une troupe hétéroclite lorsqu ils ont pénétré au Rwanda, selon un témoin de l'envoyé spécial de l'AFP Ricardo Ustarroz AFP
D T 12404 17 octobre 1990 14:05:00 Le Front patriotique rwandais n'exclut pas de combattre les troupes belges et françaises AFP
P 10273 18 octobre 1990 Janin, Daniel Le 18 octobre 1990, le Président François Mitterrand raccompagne le Président rwandais Juvénal Habyarimana à l'issue d'un entretien à l'Élysée AFP
D T 12411 22 octobre 1990 09:01:00 Chazan, David Expulsés de leur patrie, les réfugiés sont acculés à la guerilla AFP
D 25870 November 2, 1990 Sailhan, Michel Government used invasion to quash opponents: opposition AFP
D T 12434 8 mars 1991 10:25:00 Les parachutistes du 2ème REP en partance pour le Rwanda vont relever d'autres parachutistes AFP
D 25869 March 20, 1991 Fresh Rwandese Patriotic Front rebel attack reported 18-19 March AFP
D 25873 21 April 1991 20:04:00 Habyarimana announces multiparty state by June AFP
P 26786 23 avril 1991 Janin, Daniel Le président rwandais Juvénal Habyarimana en compagnie de François Mitterrand, au palais de l'Élysée, le 23 avril 1991, soit trois ans avant le déclenchement du génocide AFP
D T 31202 September 17, 1991 Uganda admits firing on Zaire-bound plane near border AFP
D T 31203 September 17, 1991 Kampala [Statement by President Museveni] AFP
D T 31204 October 13, 1991 New prime minister is picked AFP
D 25867 October 14, 1991 Radio to broadcast throughout Africa - Middle East [CIA translation] AFP
D T 31205 October 14, 1991 Parley with rebels new PM's priority AFP
D T 31206 October 16, 1991 Opposition parties snub new PM AFP
D T 31207 October 18, 1991 100,000 villagers flee guerrilla attacks in northern Rwanda AFP
D T 31208 October 19, 1991 Mobutu to host another round of Rwandan peace talks AFP
D T 31209 November 11, 1991 Rwanda troops claim killing more than 100 rebels AFP
D T 31210 November 11, 1991 Security trials for 58 suspects AFP
D T 31211 November 11, 1991 Radio reveals more looting by troops AFP
D T 31212 November 17, 1991 Opposition holds first mass demonstration in Rwanda AFP
D T 31213 November 28, 1991 Burundi throws out Rwandan diplomat AFP
D T 31214 December 1, 1991 Rwanda expels two Burundian diplomats AFP
D T 31215 December 3, 1991 Kampala [The sudden influx of the refugees has created a land shortage crisis] AFP
D T 31216 December 3, 1991 Over 2,000 Burundian refugees pour into Rwanda AFP
D T 31217 December 12, 1991 Rwandan rebels shell refugee camp inside Rwanda AFP
D 25875 December 14, 1991 Rebels said 'massing' on Northern Ugandan border AFP
D T 31218 December 14, 1991 Rwanda claims rebels massing on its border with Uganda AFP
D T 31219 December 19, 1991 Rwandan Premier to form new transitional government AFP
D T 12464 December 20, 1991 Heavy fighting on Uganda-Rwanda border: report AFP
D 25876 December 21, 1991 13:14:00 'Thousands' Flee Rebel Attacks in Northwest AFP
D T 31221 December 21, 1991 Rwandan authorities confirm heavy fighting on border with Uganda AFP
D T 31222 December 24, 1991 Army up against rebels for four days AFP
D T 31223 December 27, 1991 Rwanda accuses Burundi of foul play over refugees AFP
D T 31224 December 28, 1991 Refugees from Burundi continue to stream into Rwanda AFP
D T 31225 December 31, 1991 Rwandan premier announces new government dominated by his party AFP
D T 31227 January 15, 1992 More than 60,000 refugees enter Uganda AFP
D T 31228 January 17, 1992 Army reports major rebel losses AFP
D T 31229 January 25, 1992 Burundi refugees going home AFP
D T 12478 January 30, 1992 Rebels hunted after attack on army post AFP
D T 12479 February 3, 1992 Rwanda frees 750 under amnesty order AFP
D T 31230 February 6, 1992 Uganda warns Rwanda of retaliation if raids into Uganda continue AFP
D T 31232 February 19, 1992 East African leader meets Mubarak AFP
D T 31231 February 19, 1992 Rwanda to hold free elections in 1992: minister AFP
D T 12484 21 février 1992 17:03:00 Pas de fonctions de conseiller auprès du Président rwandais pour le chef de la mission d'assistance militaire française AFP
D T 12486 February 27, 1992 Rwanda frees almost 6,000 prisoners AFP
D T 12487 February 28, 1992 Civilians, French nun, said to die in Rwanda massacre AFP
D T 31233 March 2, 1992 Rebels behind attack that killed French nun, ambassador says AFP
D T 31234 March 7, 1992 Arson, looting leaves 3,000 Tutsi refugees, 10 dead AFP
D T 31235 March 7, 1992 Arson, looting leaves 2,000 Tutsi refugees, five dead AFP
D T 31236 March 8, 1992 Toll of tribal fighting in Rwanda "could be 300": rights group AFP
D T 31237 March 8, 1992 Death toll up in Rwanda tribal clashes AFP
D T 31238 March 9, 1992 Belgian FM calls for joint EC approach to Rwanda AFP
D T 31241 March 9, 1992 Rwanda imposes state of siege to halt tribal violence AFP
D T 12494 March 9, 1992 Rwanda fighting claims "dozens of lives": report AFP
D T 12496 March 10, 1992 Italian nun killed in Rwanda AFP
D T 12497 March 11, 1992 60 die in tribal killings blamed on rebels: official AFP
D T 12498 March 11, 1992 Tribal clashes claim 60 lives: official AFP
D T 31242 March 14, 1992 Rally called off after accord on coalition government AFP
D T 31243 March 16, 1992 Campagne, Jean-Pierre Terror reigns after massacres in Rwanda AFP
D T 31244 March 17, 1992 300 killed in Rwanda tribal clashes, say human rights activists AFP
D T 31245 March 19, 1992 At least one dead in Kigali bus explosion AFP
D T 31246 March 27, 1992 Thousands still displaced after tribal clashes AFP
D T 31247 March 29, 1992 Burundi refugees in Tanzania to assess situation at home AFP
D T 31248 March 31, 1992 Human rights activist arrested: report AFP
D T 31249 April 2, 1992 New government in Burundi AFP
D T 31250 April 3, 1992 Rwandan president names opposition leader as prime minister AFP
D T 31255 April 6, 1992 Two journalists, human rights activist freed AFP
D T 12529 April 8, 1992 Rwanda's main parties agree on coalition government posts AFP
D T 31256 April 9, 1992 Two ex-ministers arrested over coup bid AFP
D T 31257 April 12, 1992 Ntiranyuhura, Damien 41 die in northwestern Burundi clashes as army regains control: army AFP
D T 31258 April 12, 1992 Cibitoke [About the latest raid led into north-western Burundi] AFP
D T 12534 April 14, 1992 Bugesera massacre trial suspended AFP
D T 31259 April 17, 1992 New premier names coalition government AFP
D T 31260 April 18, 1992 70 Rwandan rebels killed in clashes with army: claim AFP
D T 31261 April 25, 1992 Six people seriously injured in bomb atack at Kigali AFP
D T 31262 April 29, 1992 Rwandan rebels claim large territorial gain from government AFP
D T 31263 May 1, 1992 Mine attack against bus kills 13 AFP
D T 31264 May 2, 1992 President's party accused over blast AFP
D T 31265 May 3, 1992 Taxi blast toll revised AFP
D T 31266 May 7, 1992 Fresh bomb attack in Rwanda AFP
D T 31268 May 8, 1992 Gangsters assault education minister AFP
D T 12544 May 10, 1992 Herman Cohen arrives in Rwanda AFP
D T 31269 May 11, 1992 Rwandan refugees moved to new Burundi camp AFP
D T 31270 May 16, 1992 French cooperation minister holds talks with Ugandan president AFP
D T 31271 May 20, 1992 At least 330 dead in month of fighting in Rwanda AFP
D T 31273 May 24, 1992 Rwandan FM meets rebel RPF representative AFP
D T 31274 May 24, 1992 OAU secretary general on four day visit AFP
D T 31272 May 25, 1992 Kampala [Habyarimana urged Museveni to help improve security along the two countries' common border] AFP
D T 31275 May 26, 1992 June talks for Rwanda government, rebels AFP
D T 31276 May 29, 1992 At least one killed in Rwanda as rival demonstrators clash AFP
D T 31278 June 1, 1992 Troops on rampage in Rwanda AFP
D T 31279 June 2, 1992 President must be ousted, opposition says AFP
D T 31280 June 3, 1992 Amnesty appeals to Rwanda to halt persecution of Tutsi minority AFP
D T 31281 June 3, 1992 Police kill opposition militant AFP
D T 31282 June 4, 1992 Rebels, opposition parties urge ceasefire AFP
D T 31283 June 5, 1992 Rwandan peace talks postponed AFP
D T 31284 June 7, 1992 Fighting reported in northeast Rwanda AFP
D T 31285 June 7, 1992 Rwandan parties negotiate in Paris AFP
D T 31286 June 7, 1992 Rwanda peace talks progress AFP
D T 31292 June 8, 1992 Rwandan teams agree to meet again to end war AFP
D T 31293 June 11, 1992 Rebels call for national unity government AFP
D T 31294 June 11, 1992 Rwandan franc devalued AFP
D T 31295 June 18, 1992 Fighting rages in Rwanda AFP
D T 31296 June 25, 1992 Rwandan army seeks to drive rebels back to Uganda AFP
D T 31297 June 27, 1992 Emergency UN food aid set for 60,000 fleeing Rwanda civil war AFP
D T 31298 June 29, 1992 Rebels active with Ugandan support: minister AFP
D T 31299 July 4, 1992 Rebels launch new clandestine radio AFP
D T 31300 July 7, 1992 Two sentenced to die for violence that killed hundreds AFP
D T 31301 July 8, 1992 Fighting displaces almost 300,000 people AFP
D T 31302 July 9, 1992 Tanzania assures Rwanda of its support to peace efforts AFP
D T 31303 July 9, 1992 Rwandan rebels accuse government of pre-talk attacks AFP
D T 31304 July 9, 1992 Rwandan resistance leader denies attack on refugee camp AFP
D T 31305 July 10, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan peace talks opening in Tanzania AFP
D T 31306 July 10, 1992 Rwandan peace talks open in Tanzania AFP
D T 31308 July 11, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan rebels accuse government of ceasefire violations AFP
D T 31309 July 11, 1992 Arusha [Talks open after upsurge in violence in northern Rwanda] AFP
D T 31310 July 12, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan government, rebels agree on truce AFP
D T 31311 July 12, 1992 Arusha [Rwandan government and RPF finally agreed to a ceasefire] AFP
D T 31312 July 13, 1992 Arusha [Diplomats attending the Arusha talks as observers expressed more optimism about the new deal] AFP
D T 31313 July 13, 1992 Rwandan government, rebels delay signature of truce accord AFP
D T 31314 July 13, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan truce accord delayed AFP
D T 31316 July 14, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan ceasefire signed, raising hopes of peace AFP
D T 31317 July 14, 1992 Rwandan ceasefire signed AFP
D T 31318 July 14, 1992 Arusha [Government and rebels called for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Rwanda] AFP
D T 31319 July 20, 1992 Rebels violate truce: government AFP
D T 31320 July 22, 1992 Tanzanian President expresses dismay at Rwandan truce breach AFP
D T 31321 July 22, 1992 One dead in political clashes AFP
D T 31322 August 2, 1992 Guerrillas break ceasefire, Rwandan government says AFP
D T 31323 August 2, 1992 Ceasefire being respected: defence minister AFP
D T 31404 August 4, 1992 Two demonstrators killed in Kigali AFP
D T 31415 August 4, 1992 Two demonstrators and a policeman killed in Kigali AFP
D T 31416 August 4, 1992 Rebels violate ceasefire: minister AFP
D T 31417 August 8, 1992 Uganda and Rwanda to maintain peace along border: minister AFP
D T 31418 August 8, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu OAU chief in Tanzania for another round of Rwandan peace talks AFP
D T 31419 August 8, 1992 Dar es Salaam [Mpungwe said negotiations are aimed at ironing out deep-rooted ethnic differences] AFP
D T 31420 August 10, 1992 Rwanda peace talks set to reopen in Tanzania AFP
D T 31421 August 11, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu OAU secretary-general says Rwandan ceasefire holding AFP
D T 31422 August 11, 1992 Arusha [Ngulinzira: "Let us build a new nation of peace, democray and tranquility"] AFP
D T 31423 August 13, 1992 Rwandan peace talks off to a good start AFP
D T 12624 August 14, 1992 Rwandan rebels and government discuss proposals for change AFP
D T 31424 August 16, 1992 Progress reported at Rwandan peace talks AFP
D T 31425 August 17, 1992 Peaceful settlement of Rwandan conflict in sight: official AFP
D T 31426 August 18, 1992 Rwandan government and rebels in peace and power-sharing agreement AFP
D T 31427 August 19, 1992 Rwandan government and rebels sign peace and power-sharing agreement AFP
D T 31428 August 31, 1992 Businessman elected to lead Rwanda opposition party AFP
D T 18158 September 2, 1992 Rebels said to violate ceasefire, 18 dead AFP
D T 79 September 17, 1992 Arusha [There are indications that the two sides are tired of the 23-month-old civil war] AFP
D T 26322 September 17, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Power-sharing issue still deadlocks Rwanda peace talks AFP
D T 25829 October 5, 1992 Rebel failure to arrive delays Rwandan peace talks in Tanzania AFP
D T 28543 October 6, 1992 Rwandan peace talks resume AFP
D T 23830 October 7, 1992 Dar es-Salaam [Tanzanian government optimistic about breaking the stalemate] AFP
D T 11782 October 9, 1992 Demonstration backs peace talks AFP
D T 28801 October 10, 1992 Demonstration against president held AFP
D T 25847 October 10, 1992 Rwandan peace talks still deadlocked despite some progress AFP
D T 19063 October 17, 1992 Dar es-Salaam [Plenary session is to tackle high-level appointments] AFP
D T 24776 October 17, 1992 Rwandan peace talks cover more ground on power-sharing AFP
D T 18462 October 19, 1992 Rwandan government and rebels about to strike deal on power-sharing AFP
D T 20115 October 26, 1992 Rwandan government and rebels agree to share out cabinet posts AFP
D T 24114 October 28, 1992 Rwandan peace talks hit hurdle over parliament AFP
D T 31492 October 30, 1992 Rwandan peace talks adjourned after deadlock AFP
D T 31493 October 30, 1992 Stabbing marks city centre demo AFP
D T 31494 October 30, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwanda power-sharing accord to be signed AFP
D T 31495 October 31, 1992 Dar es-Salaam [Rebels propose that the current assembly be dissolved] AFP
D T 31496 October 31, 1992 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan peace negotiators sign accord on power-sharing AFP
D T 10388 November 14, 1992 Four Rwandan opposition parties in alliance with ruling party AFP
D T 5245 November 18, 1992 Dysentery outbreak kills more than 120 AFP
D T 988 November 19, 1992 10,000 demonstrate after seven die in Kigali AFP
D T 10519 November 20, 1992 Clashes follow bloody pro-peace demonstration in Kigali AFP
D T 31505 November 24, 1992 Dissident group leader arrested in Uganda AFP
D T 31506 November 25, 1992 Rwandan peace talks resume AFP
D T 31507 November 30, 1992 Rwandan peace talks to resume Tuesday AFP
D T 31511 December 8, 1992 Rwanda asks Russian Foreign Ministry to investigate death of student AFP
D T 31512 December 14, 1992 Burundian president in Uganda for four-day visit AFP
D T 27187 December 24, 1992 Troops go on rampage in Zaire, three killed AFP
D T 25728 December 29, 1992 Steady progress at Rwandan peace talks in Arusha AFP
D T 26199 January 6, 1993 Relief supplies for northern Rwanda to start moving again from Uganda AFP
D T 15742 January 10, 1993 Rwandan peace negotiators seal power-sharing pact AFP
D T 984 January 10, 1993 Nairobi [The peace talks have been adjourned for two weeks] AFP
D T 12860 January 18, 1993 Rwandan Patriotic Front rebels stop delivery of relief to northern Rwanda AFP
D T 13285 January 19, 1993 Rwandan peace talks resume, rebels demand end to massacre AFP
D T 12966 January 21, 1993 Uwibambe, Marie-Goretti Three die in protests against deal with rebels AFP

fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024