Source : US UN Mission

1 to 93 of 93 selected documents

Warning: the documents checked in column G express the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.
Doc G Card Date Author Title Source
D T 6806 March 4, 1993 Albright, Madeleine France Wants Security Council Action On Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 7475 March 10, 1993 Walker Rwanda: SC Stonewalls French Buffer Force Idea US UN Mission
D T 7572 June 4, 1993 Albright, Madeleine SC Members not enthusiastic about Border Force US UN Mission
D T 7767 June 14, 1993 Albright, Madeleine US/French Meeting on Rwandan Border Force US UN Mission
D T 7576 September 29, 1993 Albright, Madeleine SC Pressure Building to Approve Rwanda PKO US UN Mission
D T 8055 October 7, 1993 Albright, Madeleine Perm-5 Foreign Ministers Statement on their Meeting with UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali US UN Mission
D T 32051 November 2, 1993 Albright, Madeleine Rwandans holding up SOMA with UN US UN Mission
D T 8643 January 24, 1994 Albright, Madeleine UN Concern Over Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 6755 March 23, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Discussions on Rwanda Mandate and New SRSG to Zaire US UN Mission
D T 7162 April 4, 1994 Walker, Edward Discussions On Rwanda Mandate Extension US UN Mission
D T 7586 April 6, 1994 Walker, Edward Security Council Votes To Extend Unamir US UN Mission
D T 7501 April 7, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: Two UN Peacekeepers Executed US UN Mission
D T 7765 April 8, 1994 Albright, Madeleine UN'S evacuation plans for, and statement to Security Council on Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 30833 April 8, 1994 Albright, Madeleine UNSC Statement Condemns Violence in "Rwanda" US UN Mission
D T 7579 April 8, 1994 21:04:00 Albright, Madeleine Sitrep on Rwanda from UNAMIR HQ US UN Mission
D T 5008 April 9, 1994 Albright, Madeleine WGRWOL: UN SYG Letter To SC; RPF Threats; SC Informals; Provisional Govt Formed US UN Mission
D T 7829 April 9, 1994 Albright, Madeleine WGRWOL: UNSC Discusses Rwanda; No action taken US UN Mission
D T 7830 April 9, 1994 Albright, Madeleine WGRWOL: UN SYG Letter to SC; RPF Threats; SC Informals; Provisional Govt formed US UN Mission
D 21057 April 11, 1994 Grey, Robert T. Memorandum to Ambassador Walker. Subject: Security council informals on Rwanda 11:00 Monday April 11 US UN Mission
D T 7832 April 11, 1994 Albright, Madeleine WGRWOL: Update from UN 4/11 US UN Mission
D T 7180 April 12, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Potential Truce; Unamir's Future Role; Belgian Role in UNAMIR US UN Mission
D T 23750 April 12, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Future UNAMIR and French Roles in Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 7644 April 12, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Future UNAMIR and French Roles in Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 7657 April 13, 1994 Albright, Madeleine TFRWOL: Troop Contributers Discuss Unamir's Future US UN Mission
D T 7656 April 14, 1994 TFRWOL: Still no Security Council action, 4/13 US UN Mission
D T 23751 April 15, 1994 Albright, Madeleine UN Recommendations to be acted upon at 4/15 US UN Mission
D T 24970 April 16, 1994 TFRWOL: Security Council at Impasse on UNAMIR's US UN Mission
D T 24971 April 19, 1994 Albright, Madeleine UNSC Gets Update on Rwanda 4/18 US UN Mission
D T 24972 April 21, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda Discussed in Security Council, April 20 US UN Mission
D T 7580 April 21, 1994 Albright, Madeleine SYG Reluctant to Withdraw from Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 7555 April 22, 1994 18:10:00 Albright, Madeleine Rwandan Human Rights Defender Mujawamariya Calls On Ambassador Albright, Urges Continuation Of UNAMIR Presence In Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 6769 April 23, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Draw-Down of UNAMIR; Status of Civilians US UN Mission
D T 24973 April 26, 1994 Albright, Madeleine UNSC Votes to Reduce Size of UN PKO in Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 7752 April 27, 1994 Albright, Madeleine UNSC Activity on Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 24969 April 30, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Next steps on Rwanda - April 29 US UN Mission
D T 7582 April 30, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Security Council adopts presidential statement on Rwanda, April 30 US UN Mission
D T 7466 May 5, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: Requests for Immediate Assistance US UN Mission
D T 7470 May 6, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: SC President Will Write to SYG US UN Mission
D T 7583 May 7, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Security Council Agrees on Letter to SYG on US UN Mission
D 20637 May 11, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Talking Points Rwanda US UN Mission
D 25247 May 11, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Talking Points Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 7427 May 12, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: May 12 Council Informals US UN Mission
D T 24987 May 13, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: May 13 Security Council Informals US UN Mission
D 25253 May 17, 1994 Albright, Madeleine (U) Suggested changes to draft resolution US UN Mission
D T 5007 May 18, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Security Council approves phased UNAMIR expansion US UN Mission
D T 7584 May 18, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Security Council Approves Phased UNAMIR US UN Mission
D T 7500 May 19, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda Troop Contributor Meeting and Action US UN Mission
D T 7426 May 20, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda Makes Demands of Security Council US UN Mission
D T 6699 June 7, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Council Reactions To Draft Resolution On Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 6775 June 7, 1994 Albright, Madeleine ECOSOC Resumed Session Endorses HRC Resolution on Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 25013 June 7, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Council Reactions to Draft Resolution on Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 7545 June 15, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwandan Amb Not Acceptable As Sc President US UN Mission
D T 7321 June 15, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda - SC Discusses Commission of Experts US UN Mission
D T 7363 June 15, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: Bringing the Guilty to Justice US UN Mission
D T 7436 June 17, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: movement of APCs US UN Mission
D 6805 June 17, 1994 Albright, Madeleine France Ready To Send Troops To Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 8637 June 17, 1994 Albright, Madeleine France ready to send troops to Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 25014 June 20, 1994 Albright, Madeleine UN Discusses of French Initiative for Rwanda US UN Mission
D 4086 June 20, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Meeting Bradol Inderfurth US UN Mission
D T 6937 June 22, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Latest Draft Resolution on French Initiative US UN Mission
D T 6698 June 23, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Council Barely Delivers Enough Votes to Back French Move into Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 7502 June 29, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: UNAMIR Contributors Meeting US UN Mission
D 8132 July 1, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwandan Refugee Camp In Benaco US UN Mission
D T 5250 July 6, 1994 Gnehm, Edward W. Rwanda: French Reassure SC about Humanitarian Zone US UN Mission
D T 25017 July 6, 1994 Gnehm, Edward W. Rwanda: French Reassure SC About Humanitarian Zone US UN Mission
D T 8107 July 8, 1994 Gnehm, Edward W. Rwanda: Troop Contributors' Meeting US UN Mission
D T 8638 July 11, 1994 Albright, Madeleine French Prime Minister addresses the SC of « Rwanda » US UN Mission
D 16626 July 11, 1994 Albright, Madeleine French Prime minister addresses the SC of « Rwanda » US UN Mission
D T 7481 July 15, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: Security Council Adopts Statement July 14 Calling for Ceasefire US UN Mission
D T 7336 July 16, 1994 Rwanda: 15 Jul 94 Security Council Meeting US UN Mission
D T 7337 July 19, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: 18 Jul 94 Security Council Meeting US UN Mission
D T 7424 July 23, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: 22 July Security Council Meeting US UN Mission
D T 8117 July 27, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal - Russian Demarche US UN Mission
D T 7387 August 2, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: Establishment of Commission of Experts US UN Mission
D T 7520 August 5, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda War Crimes US UN Mission
D T 7955 August 26, 1994 Gnehm, Edward W. Demarche For International Tribunal In Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 7834 August 30, 1994 Gnehm, Edward W. War Crimes Tribunal for Rwanda US UN Mission
D T 7411 September 12, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda: Gen Dallaire Addresses Troop Contributors US UN Mission
D T 7246 September 13, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Proposed Un Security Council Resolution Authorizing Detention of Suspected Rwandan War Criminals US UN Mission
D T 7530 September 20, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal US UN Mission
D T 8116 September 23, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda War Crimes US UN Mission
D T 6490 September 29, 1994 Albright, Madeleine A/S Shattuck Discussions With Secretariat, ICRC, and missions regarding Haiti, Rwanda, Burundi, China, Turkey, and funding for UN Human Rights activities US UN Mission
D T 8086 September 30, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Resolution And Statute Establishing War Crimes US UN Mission
D T 7494 October 4, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda Tribunal US UN Mission
D T 7493 October 5, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda Tribunal US UN Mission
D T 7323 October 7, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda - Security Council Meets With Pres Bizimungu Oct 6 US UN Mission
D T 7322 October 14, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda - Security Council Agrees On Presidential Statement, Oct 13 US UN Mission
D T 7564 October 20, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwandan Views On War Crimes Tribunal US UN Mission
D T 7550 October 29, 1994 Albright, Madeleine Rwandan Concerns About Tribunal US UN Mission
D T 8414 December 19, 1994 Hume, Cameron R. Security Council Informals on Burundi US UN Mission
D T 7547 March 8, 1995 Albright, Madeleine Rwandan Arms Embargo: Perm 5 Views US UN Mission
D T 29895 March 10, 1995 Albright, Madeleine Rwanda Tribunal - Nominations for Judges US UN Mission
D T 7478 April 18, 1995 Rwanda: SYG Report on UNAMIR US UN Mission

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