Documents for Quoted name : Leader, Joyce

1 to 21 of 21 selected documents

Warning: the documents checked in column G express the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.
Doc G Card Date Author Title Source
D T 31395 June 5, 1992 Curley, Walter DAS Davidow Meets Rwandan Rebel Representatives US Embassy Paris
D T 33303 April 22, 1993 Christopher, Warren Rwanda: Update on Arusha Negotiations 4/21 US DOS
D T 33296 April 28, 1993 Christopher, Warren Rwanda: Update on Arusha Negotiations 4/28/93 US DOS
D T 29761 May 27, 1993 Browning, Steven Arusha peace talks: Facilitator pushes for conclusion US Embassy Dar Es Salam
D T 6573 May 28, 1993 Browning, Steven Arusha Peace Talks: Military Issues Continue US Embassy Dar Es Salam
D T 7356 June 4, 1993 Christopher, Warren Rwanda: Atmosphere at Arusha Talks Deteriorates Markedly US DOS
D T 6569 June 9, 1993 De Vos, Peter Jon Arusha Peace Talks: Breakthrough on Force Proportions US Embassy Dar Es Salam
D T 6574 June 16, 1993 De Vos, Peter Jon Arusha Peace Talks: Negotiations Continue US Embassy Dar Es Salam
D T 6570 June 23, 1993 Christopher, Warren Arusha Peace Talks: Can they be Salvaged? US DOS
D T 6567 June 24, 1993 De Vos, Peter Jon Arusha Peace Talks US Embassy Dar Es Salam
D T 6568 June 25, 1993 De Vos, Peter Jon Arusha Peace Talks Adjourned Indefinitely US Embassy Dar Es Salam
D T 7063 February 22, 1994 Christopher, Warren Official - Informal [To AmEmbassy Kigali] US DOS
D T 7072 March 22, 1994 Christopher, Warren Subject: Official - Informal US DOS
D 19652 April 11, 1994 Harvin, Michael Memorandum for Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Talking Points on Rwanda/Burundi (U) US DOD
D T 7390 April 11, 1994 Brazeal, Aurelea Rwanda Evacuation: 11 April, 11 00 US Embassy Nairobi
D 29329 12 avril 1994 Le Moal, Yvon Rapport sur l'évacuation du personnel international du système des Nations Unies au Rwanda 7-12 avril 1994 PNUD
D T 7957 April 20, 1994 Christopher, Warren Department Tells RPF to Stop the Fighting Now US DOS
D T 29579 April 28, 1994 Rawson, David Memo from Ambassador David P. Rawson to Nan Borton. Re Disaster Declaration for Rwanda US DOS
D T 21725 September 12, 2003 Interview: Philippe Gaillard Frontline
D T 10274 14 avril 2015 Lynch, Colum Génocide au Rwanda : les Etats-Unis savaient Slate Afrique
D T 27824 February 5, 2021 Lynch, Colum Gumbo Diplomacy Comes to Turtle Bay Foreign Policy Journal

fgtquery v.1.9, February 9, 2024