Public records : HVV

1 to 12 of 12 selected documents

Warning: the documents checked in column G express the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.
Doc G Card Date Author Title Source
D T 19292 June 10, 1969 Journey of Mr Botha minister of Defence of the South Africa Republic to the Centre d'essais des Landes Firing Center from June 8 to 10, 1969
D T 32407 November 15, 1985 September, Dulcie Threats made against ANC in France
D 19449 January 18, 1985 September, Dulcie French Sale of Arms to South Africa 1980, 1984-1985 ANC
D 31780 September 18, 1985 Armscor Transfers to Paris Office
D T 32408 June 20, 1986 September, Dulcie Report on the President's visit to Paris
D 31791 21 Julie 1987 Report on Meeting between DGSE and CSADF DOD-SANDF
D T 20792 21 juillet 1987 Contact avec DGSE - 21 et 23 juillet 1987 [Traduction de Meetings with French Military Intelligence] Daily Maverick
D T 19288 21 Julie 1987 Meetings with French Military Intelligence Daily Maverick
D 31782 22 Julie 1987 Report on Meeting between CSADF and Mr Roussin and Mr Ollivier DOD-SANDF
D 31783 22 Julie 1987 Report on Meeting between CSADF and Mr Foccart DOD-SANDF
D 31781 24 Julie 1987 Report on Meeting between Director Intelligence Operations and Mr Roussin DOD-SANDF
D T 32411 March 29, 1989 New (civilian) director general for external security in France DOD-SANDF

fgtquery v.1.9, February 9, 2024