Fiche du document numéro 32407

Tuesday November 15, 1985
Threats made against ANC in France
Fonds d'archives
Over the past six months or so threats have been made against the ANC in France
and there have been some strange incidents occuring.

Regarding the threats, I enclose the following documents:

1 La Lettre de l'Ocean Indie 3/6/1985
2 Courrier Australe Parlementaire No 13, 2e Trimestre 1985
3 West European Suicide Squad 14/6/1985
4 Extract from Sowetan (a South African news paper) 7/8/1985
which was sent by ANC Headquarters {fn Lusaka

Tapping of telephones

It is quite obvious that the telephones, both in my appartment and office are

My appartment

The telephone rings around midnight or later and when I answer, the person
replaces the receiver or says that it is a wrong number even before it can be
ascertained that it is so.

On one occasion I made a call to London, the person to whom I was speaking
excused himself because he wanted to fetch something that he wanted to read to
me. We were disconnected, and when he returned we were connected again.

On another occasion I lifted the receiver to make a call and heard voices. I
listen in although I could not hear what was being said. The persons ended
their conversation and I went on listening. A telephone rang and a women
answered and said "Thomson and Cie". I was so shocked that I replaced my

When I return from a trip and enter my appartment, the telephone rings. When
I answer it the person either replaces his phone or says that it is a wrong

The Office

On occasions when I have connected the phones to the answer phone, only one phone connects. The other one continues to function normally ie it continues to
ring when a call is made and the answer phone is working. I am also able to
make call/fron that phone. ‘This might only be a technical error but I am

Entry of office

On arriving at the office on Wednesday, 6/11/1985, the lights were burning
and the door to my office was open. When my assistant arrived later in the
morning and I related the incident, she was sure that the lights were all off and my office door locked when she left the previous evening.

Friday, 7/11/1985, on my arrival at the office I realised that there was no
electricity. Thinking that there must be something wrong with the electricity I not not concern myself about this any further. I left the office around lunch time to go a do a meeting and did not return.

On Saterday, 9/11/1985, I received a call from my assistant who had been to the
office. She said that she discovered that the electricity had been switched off
at the main. I had not touched that switch and my assistant says nor had she
until she connected the electricity. She also found my office door open
which she says was locked when she left the previous evening. As a matter of
interest, 1 had locked the door before I left.

Broken lock to filing cabinet

I have a new filing cabinet whose lock broke while unlocking it. I have a feelin
that it had been tampered with.

Jean-Paul Horeau

This person started harassing me quite early in 1984, He would telephone for
an immediate interview and was very interested in ANC's relationship with the
French Government.

I have asked him on numerous occasions to send me his questions and then to
await an appointment but this he has not done.

I aftervards became aware that he was phoning me just before I was to leave
France for Geneva which meant that I could not see him. However, he did turn up
at the office one day while I was away, which he very well knew, and questioned
the person who was there about his personal details. He became quite aggressive
when he was asked to leave.

After this incident he phoned again asking for an appointment and indicated
that he vas interested in knowing more about the ANC National Conference that
was to be held. I decided to accept the date that he had proposed. A day before
the appointment, he phoned to cancel it.

Before the National Conference he telexed Lusaka and requested to be accredited
to it as a reporter for IPS. As far as I can ascertain IPS is a journalist's club.

In September, a day before I was to leave for Geneva, he telephoned for an
interview so that he could discuss the conference. He said that he needed the
intervew for La Lettre de l'Ocean Indie. Since then he has not been in touch.

Being photographed

On two occasions that I am aware of I have been photographed - once in the street outside the office and once in Gare du Nord station while standing on the platform waiting for train to the suburbs. On both occasions the persons photographing me hurried away when they became aware that I was aware of what was happening.

People close to the ANC

My assistant and her husband went to a restaurant one evening. They were followed into the place by a man who took a seat opposite them. As they were watching a band that was playing music they were looking in his direction. At no time did he take his eyes off them even while he was eating.

Another person says that on two occasions when he arrived home late, there was a car parked in front of his appartment. off. As he drew level with the car, it sped off.


fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024