Documents à la date 19940603

1 to 33 of 33 selected documents

Warning: the documents checked in column G express the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.
Doc G Card Date Author Title Source
D 372 3 juin 1994 Deflandre, Jean-Marie Audition de Nicolas Moreau Justice belge
D * 761 3 juin 1994 Habimana, Kantano Transcription de RTLM 3 juin 1994 RTLM
V T 3475 3 juin 1994 20:00:00 Chazal, Claire Le bilan des morts se rapproche chaque jour du demi-million annoncé pour un pays de sept millions d'habitants TF1
D T 4085 June 3, 1994 Marrero Rwanda: Bringing the Guilty to Justice US DOS
P 5746 June 3, 1994 Peterson, Scott 221260 08: An unidentified soldier in the Patriotic Front of Rwanda stands on a bridge over the Akanyaru river June 3, 1994 in Rwanda. They are preparing for the final offensive towards Kabyagi and Gitarma. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5747 June 3, 1994 Peterson, Scott 221260 04: An unidentified woman treats a patient at the Red Cross Hospital June 3, 1994 in Kabgayi, Rwanda. Relief workers in Kigali estimate the daily death toll of famine and disease victims between 20 and 25. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5748 June 3, 1994 Peterson, Scott 221260 23: Soldiers from the Patriotic Front of Rwanda build a bridge across the Akanyaru river June 3, 1994 in Rwanda. They are preparing for the final offensive towards Kabyagi and Gitarma. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5749 June 3, 1994 Peterson, Scott 221260 18: A helicopter brings supplies to Tutsi orphans and famine victims June 3, 1994 in Rwanda. Relief workers in Kigali estimate the daily death toll of famine and disease victims between 20 and 25. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5750 June 3, 1994 Peterson, Scott 221260 17: Soldiers bring supplies in for the Tutsi orphans and famine affected victims via helicopter June 3, 1994 in Rwanda. Relief workers in Kigali estimate the daily death toll of famine and disease victims between 20 and 25. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
P 5751 June 3, 1994 Peterson, Scott 221260 11: Patriotic Front of Rwanda soldiers cross a makeshift bridge June 3, 1994 in Rwanda. They are preparing for the final offensive towards Kabyagi and Gitarma. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
D 6150 3 juin 1994 Ntaganzwa, Ladislas Lettre à Robert Kajuga. Objet : la protection de la prospérité de notre pays
P 6341 June 3, 1994 Peterson, Scott 221260 21: Members of Patriotic Front of Rwanda walk across a bridge over the Akanyaru river June 3, 1994 in Rwanda. They are preparing for the final offensive towards Kabyagi and Gitarma. (Photo by Scott Peterson/Liaison) Getty
D 6444 3 juin 1994 Feuille, Vanadis Transcription RFI 3 juin 1994 au 14 juin 1994 RFI
D 8631 June 3, 1994 Dusaidi, Claude Letter to his Excellency Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Secretary General of the United Nations and to his Excellency Ambassador Salim Bin Mohammed Al-Khussaiby, president of the Security Council [UNSCR 918] FPR
D T 13736 3 juin 1994 Le Crédit lyonnais s'explique L'Humanité
D T 13737 3 juin 1994 Chatain, Jean Les appels au meurtre ont précédé le génocide L'Humanité
D T 13738 3 juin 1994 11:46:00 Rwanda-14 pays africains prêts à l'envoi de troupes Reuters
D T 13739 3 juin 1994 11:29:00 Boutros - le monde reste paralysé face au Rwanda Reuters
D T 13740 3 juin 1994 11:53:00 Le FPR parle de près d'un million de morts Reuters
D T 13741 3 juin 1994 11:34:00 Les rebelles auraient pris Kabgayi Reuters
D T 13742 3 juin 1994 11:32:00 L'ONU reprend l'évacuation des civils à Kigali Reuters
D T 13743 3 juin 1994 11:52:00 Mandela promet un hôpital, des blindés Reuters
D T 13744 3 juin 1994 11:49:00 Rwanda - MDM veut sensibiliser l'opinion Reuters
D T 13745 3 juin 1994 11:35:00 Nouvelle suspension des évacuations à Kigali Reuters
D T 13746 3 juin 1994 11:47:00 Rwanda - tirs de mortiers et combats à Kigali Reuters
D 19940 June 3, 1994 Dallaire, Roméo Evening Sitrep: June 3, 1994, 6:00 AM to June 3, 1994, 6:00 PM MINUAR
D 19941 June 3, 1994 Dallaire, Roméo Morning Sitrep: June 2, 1994, 6:00 PM to June 3, 1994, 6:00 AM MINUAR
D 20600 June 3, 1994 Security Council: Rwanda NZ Foreign Min.
D 20642 June 3, 1994 Dusaidi, Claude Letter to Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Secretary-General and H. E. Salim Bin Mohamed Al Kussaiby, President of the United Nations Security Council FPR
P 21628 June 3, 1994 Peterson, Scott Members of Patriotic Front of Rwanda walk across a bridge over the Akanyaru river June 3, 1994 in Rwanda. They are preparing for the final offensive towards Kabyagi and Gitarma Getty
D T 28558 3 juin 1994 Malagardis, Maria Rwanda : sur les traces d'un génocide La Croix
D T 29675 3 juin 1994 20:00:00 Chazal, Claire Le bilan des morts se rapproche chaque jour du demi-million annoncé pour un pays de sept millions d'habitants TF1
D T 33271 June 3, 1994 Scott, Gerald W. Arrest of AmCit in Brussels [Partially censored] US Embassy Kinshasa

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