Judi Rever does not provide here any proof of her thesis on the crimes of the RPF and a second genocide against the Hutus. But she says some crazy words like " this story was, in large part, written by an international tribunal controlled by Kigali ". In addition, she is very reckless to be interviewed by the Secours de France, a foundation created by Clara Lanzi to come to the aid of the French officers who rebelled against the Republic in Algiers in April 1961 and to the aid of the terrorists of the OAS (Organisation de l'armée secrète) which, to defend French Algeria provoked bloodbaths, in particular by assassinating the mayor of Evian, Camille Blanc on March 31, 1961 and by attempting to assassinate the President of the Republic, Charles de Gaulle, on August 22, 1962.