Fiche du document numéro 25849

Thursday January 25, 2018
Former politician Patrick Mazimhaka dies
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Seasoned politician Patrick Kayumbu Mazimhaka has died. The 70 year old succumbed to illness in India on Thursday. Protais Musoni, a comrade and friend of the late Mazimhaka described him as “a wise man and good advisor” adding that Rwanda has lost a great man who played a key role during the liberation struggle.
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Patrick Kayumbu Mazimhaka, succumbed to illness in India on Thursday. (Courtesy)

Seasoned politician Patrick Kayumbu Mazimhaka has died. The 70 year old succumbed to illness in India on Thursday.

Protais Musoni, a comrade and friend of the late Mazimhaka described him as “a wise man and good advisor” adding that Rwanda has lost a great man who played a key role during the liberation struggle.

When the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF Inkotanyi) launched the liberation struggle on 1 October 1990, Mazimhaka was appointed RPF's Commissioner for External Relations.

He was later elected the Vice-Chairman of RPF in 1993, a position he held until 1998.

“We met at Makerere University in Uganda before we engaged in the liberation struggle. He was among the founders of the Rwandese Alliance for National Unity (RANU). He was always conversant with people mostly the youth whom he was always on hand to offer advice,” Musoni told The New Times in a phone interview.

RANU was the predecessor of RPF-Inkotanyi.

He added that even after retiring from office in 2008, he continued serving as an advisor to different business people and politicians across the continent, and played a key role in preserving peace in Somaliland and other parts of Africa.

His last public office he held was as Deputy Chairperson of the African Union while before that he had served in different capacities, including in the cabinet.

The RPF Inkotanyi also posted a message commiserating with the bereaved family.

“The RPF Inkotanyi family wishes to extend its condolences to the family of comrade Patrick Mazimphaka who passed away in India. May his soul Rest in Peace,” the RPF tweeted.

The Late Mazimhaka was married to Dr. Jolly Rwanyonga Mazimhaka, with whom they had three daughters.


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