Author-card of document number 24009

Friday July 7, 2017
France Genocide Tutsi Database - Information Letter n° 1
France Genocide Tutsi Database
Information Letter no 1
July 7, 2017

Rwandans, the concept of Tutsi’s eradication has been introduced by Europeans. The implementation of the
genocide which began on 1959, would
have been nurtured, allowed, encouraged by Europeans. To test that hypothesis imply to accept contradictory
data. The criterium is that they bring
factual information.
The main part of documents are
pdf files containing fac-similes or
transcripted texts. Movies are present
in the database (mainly TV news recorded by INA) but are not published
because their size and copyrights. Testimonies are also present but in small
An other goal is to make memory
of this indicible event which happened
in 1994.

FgtDb like France Genocide
Tutsi Database is a database about
France’s part in the Tutsi’s genocide in Rwanda in 1994. An extract is published on the web site
These documents have been collected since 2001 in order to write the
book La France au cœur du génocide des Tutsi (France in the heart
of the Tutsi’s genocide), published
in 2010 whose pdf version allows
to access the documents through
hypertext links activated when the
computer is connected to Internet.
The book can be downloaded here :
were on the site http://www.
documents/ which is left at present. A web site
Since 2010, a lot of new documents
have been found which exceed widely
It is made of documents and html
the scope of this book. An author pages. The documents are texts in pdf
card is written for each document.
files or pictures or geographical maps
The systematic publication of ar- in jpg or png files.
chives funds (French parlementary inThe html pages give access to doformation mission – MIP –, United cuments sorted by date, author, arNations, Belgium Senate, Mitterran- chives fund or source, theme, etc.
d’s archive of Françoise Carle, ICTR, Themes are like « The French and miBelgium justice, newspapers like Le litiamen’s training », « The attempt of
Monde, Libération, press agencies like April 6, 1994 »... Under the menu item
AFP, Reuters, declassified documents « Analysis », documents are commenof US DOS, archives of Monique Mas ted, for example « France has allowed
of RFI, etc.) is underway.
genocide ».
One of the main goal of this work
A dropdown menu allows to jump
is to test the hypothesis that, even easily from one item to another. An
if the genocide has been executed by english presentation is on the way.

A search engine
A search engine at the url http:
// allows to select documents published on the web site by
author, date, persons cited or places
cited and keywords. Several criteria
may be combined by logical and.
The author-cards are accessed showing particularly the origin of the
documents. The search engine is in
french or english according the preferences set in the web browser.

On July 7, 2017, the web site
contains 2,889 documents splitted as
such :
- 93 before 1990
- 345 from 1990 to 1993
- 1,248 in 1994
- 1,103 after 1994


The main sources are :
223 TPIR
172 Archives Mitterrand-Carle
129 ONU
90 MIP
82 Le Monde
78 Libération
76 French Embassy, Kigali
74 Quai d’Orsay
45 AFP
43 African Rights
40 Belgium Senate
40 Reuters

To note
Védrine’s confession
An extract of Hubert Védrine’s
hearing at the National Defence and
Forces armies Commission (National
Assembly, April 16, 2014) is showed
on the first page of the web site under
the title « L’Aveu » (The Confession).
In this video, the ancient general secretary of Élysée recognizes that the
supply of weapons to the Rwanda governemental forces (RGF) has continued during the genocide. At the same
date can be seen the exact transcription of Védrine’s words and the official
account where his confession has been
deleted !

Weapons deliveries in 1994
A report of lieutenant Nees of
UNAMIR on January 22, 1994 and a
telegram of Willy Claes, Belgium Foreign Office minister, on March 11,
1994 show that France continues to
supply weapons despite the prohibition by the Arusha’s agreement which
french leaders claim they do support.

Seychelles arms for Rwanda
The arms sale in June 1994 by
colonel Bagosora and Willem Ehlers
of South-Africa has been denounced
by an opposition party of Seychelles
and a newspaper « Regar ». The
United States embassy has warned
Washington (Malott, June 24, 1994).
The Lettre de l’Océan Indien forwards the news (no 630, July 2, 1994).
In May 1995 the report of Human
Rights Watch, Rwanda/Zaire, Rearming with Impunity quotes the fact.
Consequently, the Security council requests the Secretary-General to establish a commission of inquiry about

the sale or supply of arms to Rwanda
in violation of Resolution 918 (1994).
The main report is published on
March 14, 1996. The role in the transaction of Banque nationale de Paris – BNP – (National Bank of Paris) appears only in an addendum on
January 22, 1998. Would this bank
be unaware of the destination of this
payment ? The BNP’s account of the
Rwandan military attaché, Sébastien
Ntahobari, remains open. The Defence minister, Augustin Bizimana,
feeds this account (June 17, 1994).
On July 5, 1994, Ntahobari pays a
company « Robert Martin » which
provides mercenary services (Augustin Bizimana, September 13, 1994 ;
Augustin Bizimungu, September 29,

Planning the genocide
The major of RGF, Charles Ntambazi, commander of the transport
company in Kanombe camp, reveals
on August 9, 1994 at Dar Es-Salaam,
that two companies of the paracommando battalion (around 300 soldiers) were transfered at beginning
of April 1994 to the Presidential
guard camp in Kimihurura, in front of
CND building where the RPF battallion was stationned. Confirming other
testimonies at the lawsuit at ICTR
of Aloys Ntabakuze, commander of
paras-commando, (Judgement Bagosora and al., December 18, 2008, english version, section 746, p. 188), this
tactic – of which major De SaintQuentin, Ntabakuze’s adviser, was necessary aware – has been likely ordered to attack RPF, who has been the
target of shoots during the April 6-7
night. Philippe Gaillard, ICRC delegate, who was that evening in CND,
will describe that night in a terrific

story (September 30, 2004).



On April 20, 1994, Yvon Le Moal
reports the slaughter of the Prime minister witnessed by two United Nations volunteers.

Rwanda’s History
Uploaded on this site, one find the
Rwanda’s history written by french
priests, Albert Pagès (1933) and Louis
De Lacger (June 6, 1961). Symmetrically, one can find of Alexis Kagame,
« Un abrégé de l’ethno-histoire du
Rwanda » (1972) et « Un Abrégé de
l’Histoire du Rwanda de 1853 à 1972 »
Pursuing his analysis of hidden
archives of White fathers, Stefaan
Minnaert explains in « Musinga et
les Pères Blancs : Rapport politique
confidentiel du 24 Mars 1918 » that,
far from an alleged secular oppression
of Hutu by Tutsi, it is the confrontation between colonial powers, especially Belgians and Germans, which
is the main determinant of Rwandan
history at the beginning of the XXth
century. In « Les Pères Blancs et la
Société Rwandaise durant l’Époque
Coloniale Allemande (1900 - 1916) »
(The White fathers and the Rwandan Society during the time of German Colonization (1900 - 1916) published on September 18, 2008, he
lets us know that the to-be bishop
Léon Classe fought down with guns
at Rwaza in 1904 the natives who refuse to work for the building of the
mission and that testimonies about father Loupias murder (1910) have been
improved to write the holly story of
Rwanda’s evangelization.


fgtquery v.1.9, February 9, 2024