Fiche du document numéro 32855

Wednesday August 4, 1993
Kigali [Most Rwandese express concern that lasting peace in Rwanda could be an illusive dream]
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Air Burundi has, on the other hand, raised its fares in order to fly the large number of people wanting to go to Arusha.

"We are fed up with war. I must do all my level best to ensure that I am in Arusha for the historic occasion", young academician Emmanuel Uwimana declared.

The joyous atmosphere has also gripped relief camps for displaced persons, where the news of the new signing date was greeted with ululations and dancing.

"All I want is to get back to my village of Byumba and start rebuilding from whatever is remaining", said Nyirabagande, 35, a mother of five who is currently living at Nyacyonga Camp, some 25 km (15 miles) from here.

Diplomatic observers here also said the commitment and spirit to peace by the Rwandan government and RPF foes was a great relief to the people.

But most Rwandese also express concern that unless both sides acted speedily to implement the peace accord, lasting peace in Rwanda could yet be an illusive dream.

The signing of the Rwandan peace accord on Wednesday would bring to an end nearly three years of war, which started on October 2, 1990 when the RPF invaded Rwanda from Uganda in an attempt to overthrow Habyarimana's Hutu-led regime in Kigali.

The rebels were mainly members of the Tutsi minority who had been living in exile in Uganda since 1959.

They fled there to escape ethnic strife which ended traditional Tutsi rule in Rwanda and in 1990 defected from the Ugandan army with their arms to try and regain power at home.

But the invasion failed, and the rebels turned the struggle into a guerrilla warfare that has killed thousands of people and displaced hundreds of thousands of others.

The Rwandan government has often accused Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni's National Resistance Army, whom the exiles helped to come to power in a similar bush war in Uganda, of supporting the rebels, a charge Museveni as constantly denied.


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