Author-card of document number 31358

Mardi 3 janvier 2023
Témoignage d'une Congolaise tutsi vivant dans l'Est de la RDC [« S'il vous plaît, aidez-nous à trouver comment obtenir le numéro de la BBC parce que nous sommes en train d'être exterminés ici »]
Quoted place
Translation: "Please help us find out how to get the BBC number because we are being exterminated here. Didn't you hear that Bugene was shot dead, and those who followed him were shot at when they arrived at the hospital ? They have put roadblocks around and now we are under siege. In Kagusa they put up a roadblock and no Mututsi is allowed to cross it. I know you have a well-known man in Rwanda. Please, can you speak to him for us and ask him if you can do something to help us get some help? Please talk to the likes of Gasirimu, Janvier and others. Please, if you can find me the number of the BBC, I will call them myself to ask them to help us and find a way out because we have now reached the last point of desperation. They are taking us out one by one. The ones they don't shoot on the spot are taken away to prison and killed over there. Basically, Congo has become a dirty place. My in-laws' family have fled here but we are being shot at continuously. Grandma refused to flee here. We don't know exactly where she is but we are told that she spends the night in the nearby swamps and goes back home during the day. Please speak for us, call for help, and send this audio to everyone you can. We have nowhere to go because there are barriers everywhere. They told us to stay put to kill each other in our homes and villages. We are begging everyone to do all they can to help us come out of this mayhem".
Enregistrement sonore

fgtquery v.1.9, February 9, 2024