Fiche du document numéro 26292

Saturday April 11, 2020
Alarming junction between Congolese fascists and Genocide deniers network
Article de journal
Some dark forces recently organized a workshop within the French Senate meant to review the History of the Great Lakes region over the last 60 years to draw lessons for a lasting peace.

We got diehard genocidaires, top class deniers and talented fallacy fabricators united in one place.

Right when the Covid-19 virus was peaking up in France and making headlines globally for the worst;

Taking lives by thousands and ravaging communities all over and prompting lock down everywhere, erasing any social life and threatening the world with an unprecedented or devastating economic crisis.

The participants' speeches seen after did not disappoint at all, for their venom against Rwanda, Kagame, Tutsi and FPR; take it in any order or meaning you want.

On that day, Hubert Vedrine, former Mitterrand minister and criminal behind a mask of respectability set the tone and orientation. The workshop was said long overdue and meant to find the bad boys.

Onana and Judi RIver spilled the usual trash and misleading information to promote their books and earn some good fees before their imminent dawn and amid drying financial purses.

Both have nicely relayed Christopher Black – Mathieu Ngirumpatse’s lawyer at the Intenational Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTIR) and its horrifying theory about RPF killing Hutus at roadblocks in the streets of Kigali from April 6, 1994. By the way this chap promoted this blatant lie on Canada and US campuses in 2002 until his death

Ngirumpatse was the Secretary General of the ruling MRND party that spearheaded the Genocide.

Onana first and Judi later picked it up and have since excelled in spinning this disgusting account, utterly insulting the memory of RPF combatants who died to save Tutsi survivors and spitting on millions of killed Tutsi.

There was a neutral invitee from DRC notably the historian Ndayiwel Isidore who headed the OIF organizing committee for the HoS Francophonie Summit in 2016 in Kinshasa;

With one highlight being when Holland snubbed openly the host Kabila with contempt and arrogance!

The diabolic club welcomed the newly promoted and reactionary stars, Adolphe Muzito and Martin Fayulu, leaders of the Lamuka coalition that missed or lost the presidential elections to Felix Tshisekedi In one of the most dramatic electoral saga and last minutes u-turn not even seen in Hollywood series. The bruises/wounds are still fresh and the story not yet buried with losers rancor far frombeing subdued.

Fayulu, who had welcomed the prospect of an AU mission to be led by Kagame has since turned very bitter against former AU Chairman. Understandably the AU delegation was supposedly tasked to install him into the presidency but the mission got aborted on the last minute for reasons beyond Fayulu himself!

Muzito was invited in recognition of his audacity after he stated that the solution to the Great Lakes problems would be if Rwanda was annexed by RDC; an opinion absolutely well-aligned with the workshop’s objectives!

The verbal exploit came out blue without any palpable tension; nobody knew then where it came from!

Before that, Fayulu, accompanied by Muzito, went to test his new anti-Tutsi rhetoric and fish for cheap popularity in Beni among the Nande people, put on edge by the Islamists ADF terror using graphic killings of poor civilians.

But Tshisekedi who understood the issues and related stakes, had decided already to bring peace there;

Notwithstanding this explosive cocktail made of Fake news on Rwandan invaders, the conspiracies exploiting the mystical beliefs that had delayed the campaign against Ebola, the emergence of a mythic Yira Republic amid that macabre and scorched earth whose techniques are perfected by the ADFs.

Powerful army generals have been moved elsewhere, suspended or even eliminated from the scene while the troops reap victories on the ground and the civilian casualties in serious decrease.

The correlation is unbelievable and staggering sending the sponsors behind the ADF into panic mode.

By the way the whole ADF saga remind waves of raids by the islamist Tipo-Tipo in the 19th century on Maniema soil-DRC- to plunder ivory and gold and or grab slaves amid brutality by Arab traders and local chiefs naivety, well informed and who knew how to oil their passage with graft and gifts.

Since these ages DRC gold is smuggled and traded openly in middle east -Dubai-via Uganda and Kenya!

Which reminds another pertinent similarity: the Belgian Cardinal Lavigerie was a key player justifying Leopold II mobilizing to save the poor negroes from the Arabs slavery and too lucky to be evangelized toward Christian civilization - a well documented modus operandi to implement the brutal colonization.

Someone has to fill the void and all the best intentions do not exclude some material gains, on the contrary!

One would wonder if Cardinal Ambongo Fridolin, relaying openly the hearsay stories of invading Banyarwanda isn't a disguised call for an external interventions like the French Artemis in Ituri 2002.

By the way, Nobel prize winner Mukwege who excused himself, got replaced by Fayulu at the last minute, has never shied away to call for external interventions; he too was groomed as a backup plan for DRC chaotic elections!

He passed over to Fayulu, ahead of the workshop, the torch of the Mapping report dwelling on bias analysis and accusing the very people who took over the power in 1997 in the dramatic circumstances.

Coincidentally the noise level has gone up since residual armed forces ex-FAR spilled in Zaire -rebranded FDLR- got dismantled and their key officers eliminated or repatriated by the Tshisekedi government.

Meaning the very people who had supported them all the way for a quarter of a century, covered and justified their criminal abuses or activities in the DRC, have lost their assets, bet and gamble overnight!

They fear accumulated testimonies and documents that shall enlighten the Commission of Historians created by Macron to end the lies about the role of France before, during and after Tutsi Genocide!

Files on individual responsibilities got thicker opening the prospect of indictment in penal courts for their complicity in the genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda and crimes against humanity in the DRC.

So an objective alliance of anti-Kagame forces need to act quick otherwise they could disappear sooner!

They had invested heavily in the failed coup, actively prepared from neighboring countries since 2017.

These extremists have now mutated into Softpower fight and their radicalization seen as an attempt to stand against an effective and newly daring regional cooperation;

Notably Rwanda commitment and unequivocal support for a lasting peace and regional stability.

The virulence of the hate calls is very indicative of the success of the Fatshi bet and strategic choices!

Nevertheless, beyond the falsehood and nauseating remarks yet again propagated at the said workshop, the ultimate objective was an attempt to rewrite history aiming to designate the perfect scapegoat for the obvious failures and disastrous wanderings of this neocolonial power still active in the Great Lakes.

Pure intellectual dishonesty and pinnacle of cynicism!

The Congolese tragedies started from Leopold II with its brutal colonization to successive dictatorial regimes supported by the same genocidal forces that the Fayulu and Muzito had served well!

The whole buzz is meant to justify ex-post the lynching of Tutsi, started since 1959, culminating in this Genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and so far continued quietly with impunity in the whole region;

Mitterrand heirs Védrine and Richard or Léotard and Longuet, fascists from Left and Right- have blindly supported the genocidaires from their heinous crimes to shameless defeat and humiliating exile in Zaire.

That alone had amplified the anti-Tutsi hysteria since the massive influx of Hutu refugees in Kivu in the name of Bantu solidarity yet and despite that consequential decision was well taken from France!

No one could pull off the acceptance of such volume of refugees into another country against their will without leveraging then on serious muscles or grafts at the highest level of executive powers. Coincidentally when local security apparatus was headed by one Ngbanda and government by Kengo.

By the way, the French Army took over Bukavu and Goma air traffic towers three weeks before Turquoise operation was approved by the UN Security Council; remember Bill Clinton-Mitterrand meeting in Paris?

Which said how important the exfiltration of defeated genocidaires with consequences still unfolding!

The above spiraled into ethnic exclusions and new pogrom spat that led to the founding act of the AFDL platform in 1996 to bring LD Kabila to power May 1997, after crushing the Hutu army in the process.

The peak of anti Tutsi propaganda was reached then and the victim has since been turned into villain, the butchers into heroes by the magic or virtue of repeated lies, fabricated statistics and fallacies.

You read the ever growing numbers of million deaths imputed to them, worse than Covid-19, SARS, AIDS and Ebola combined in one place or country and yet the DRC population has doubled since 1996!

And the Congolese Tutsi live there an ordeal and moral dilemma, cyclically scapegoated or lynched, since then sacrificed in political rituals today somehow compulsory or imposed to any rising political operator!

Fayulu is undoubtedly part of this breed of fascist and lazy politicians unable to see the big DRC picture. Quick to use some poor tactics to attract disappointed FCC or the Kabila camp, to stop his declining visibility and hoping to enjoy the same impunity of the locally made Goebbels like the late Yerodia and Lushima!

Far from admitting defeat, our new Don Quixote is up in arms against the Tutsi and Rwanda, both guilty of accepting the Congolese President as obedient citizen or cooperating with as it should be the norm!

Do you think Fayulu has internalized positively the defeat of the ADF and the many other FDLR factions? Not all! He works in the opposite direction hoping to recover the executive power or imperia lost!

Those who have followed him since the CNS know him better and can tell how weak and trivial he is.

Fayulu had teamed up with Olengankhoy and Mubake; whose exploits were reduced to the Dead City-Villes Mortes- known to be manipulated by the security service ANR headed by Ngbanda for Mobutu.

His partner Mubake surprised many, popping at Kabila-Mobutu negotiations in Pretoria under Thabo Mbeki back in March 1997, as member of Kamanda-Ngbanda delegation yet known as vocal opposition!

Later, the same Mubake-Fayulu duo would convince the late Etienne Tshisekedi to be Prime Minister of Mobutu, whose regime would surrender three weeks later to AFDL forces, clearly in a winning streak!

Fayulu and Mubake fit well the activist-anarchist character useful for the ideological line conceived long ago by Ngbanda and aligned with the interests and views of to these hardcore Tutsi genocide deniers.

His Apareco website and books is just all about that, with fallacies and fake news inspired from the famous publicist Seguéla and Mitterrand comms adviser: the biggest lies are the easiest to spread

Fayulu speech at the workshop was a copy paste of Ngbanda bitter tirades, surely under his injunction. And Muzito stayed behind in Paris to receive their rewards in Euros and for further covert trainings.

Actually, DRC was lucky: with such agitated, restless and shortsighted persons at the top of the DRC state, the risks of balkanization they keep brandishing would have been quick and irreversible.

Judi River came in as reinforcement and stated without blinking that the RPF could be behind the displacement of Nande populations around Beni: same modus operating attack against the FPR in 90s!

No opposing view was invited or allowed to argue yet the UN Monusco is present and active there, with thick files on the beneficiaries and true sponsors behind the ADFs manipulations and terror;

Look at the trivialization of pogroms against the Pygmies or Hema, recalling other massacres denounced at National Conference including that of Baluba-Kasai in Katanga and the recent one in Kasai.

It keeps coming and the very same disinformation on ethnic identities have resurfaced and amplified; See the other puppet masters of the ethnic hatred Muanda-Nsemi and Gideon Kyungu, periodically staging macabre episodes with zombies-rebels sent to die, well sacrificed sometime live on TV. It keeps coming back like self inflicted wounds or self fulfillment prophecy which nobody cares about.

Short memory: a Pandora box was opened in 199 and the same causes will produce the same effects.

In other circumstances, Congolese armed forces FARDC and concerned civil society should have initiated or backed criminal indictment against Fayulu and Muzito, Nsemi and Kyungu for discrimination, hateful and derogatory remarks, leading to pernicious demoralizing and deadly subversion.

Would anybody in DRC be capable or dare to indict Vedrine, Judi River or Onana Charles? Probably none as these French politicians have instilled the fear and projected power, one of the workshop objectives.

The other immediate goal was to blackmail and silence Rwanda's leadership, to tarnish her positive image, which projects optimism and faith in capable Africa and an effective leadership confronting the passivity toward poverty and backwardness, corruption and injustice, a narrative of a doomed continent!

In reality, Fayulu is playing the mercenary for clearly identifiable external forces.

A cause the peaceful and dignified Congolese people should snub and actually fight, as a prime victim!

The workshop exercise has just showcased the junction between the Congolese fascists masqueraded as political leaders or elite with the nebula of Tutsi genocide deniers, promoted openly on social media.

The overt conspiracy has entered now his operational model after the armed path failed miserably !

The good news is that these fascists reactionaries are clearly indentified, making it much easier to deal with their superstructure or center of hate spread now that they are playing their last card in the open.

It is a collective duty to crush this defeatist, obscurantist and mercenary line, owned and carried openly in the region by the likes Fayulu or Muzito before they cause harm!

They are small fish and willing tools, still seeking openly some support in French circles calling for Francophonie solidarity as if the time was frozen in the 1994 when the anti Anglo-Saxon rhetoric was used to justify France’s intervention; do they ignore or don't see this OIF headed by Louise Mushikiwabo?

Nevertheless their verbal bravado is compounded with similar voices from neighbouring countries.

The workshop meant to expand and build on the small and inaudible clique making the denial ecosystem in Europe with the JamboNet/Mbonyumutwa, Ndagijimana and Verlinden P. happy to get out of the wood.

They are all surfing the dangerous game of ethnic hatred and do not hesitate to sacrifice human beings and future for political games and personal ambitions by sending waves of refugees and paralyzing the EAC!

Look at the love for FDLR by the likes of Mateke in Uganda and the CNDD discourse southward in Burundi that gave Twagiramungu, Rusesabagina and Kayumba some hope until their maneuvers sank in 2019.

And prompting them all to find new grounds or allied and call for rescue from their godfathers!

From the above and other things not mentioned because of space/time constraints, I kept pointed my accusing finger at Fayulu and et al; despite and amid Covid-19 hype that may deflect our vigilance.

His talk within the French Senate stigmatizing Tutsis allegedly infiltrated FARDC (?) is politically irresponsible, morally unacceptable and utterly criminal; a déjà vu here with Mugesera speech in 1992.

It is high time to bring criminal charges on those genocide deniers and their accomplices jointly for their crimes and historical responsibilities well documented on the suffering of DRC and the people of Rwanda.

As per Romeo Dallaire, they cannot just roam freely and propagate their venom without penal consequences! It is a matter of courage, conviction and principle, clarity of a vision with purpose. Rwanda has decisively moved to unite her people, escape her tragic past, renew and invent her future.

Forgiveness was confused for weakness, taken for granted when attention is given to Rwanda’s rebirth; It will take faith and character to rebuild the Rwanda spirit and heart while the toll remain on survivors.

We owe them this final act, carried out to its bitter end as to honor the memory of Genocide victims, starting with a call for vigilance and bold actions to eradicate this impunity, for a truly Never Again.

Let me end paraphrasing Zola and putting on the record J'accuse Fayulu and accomplices for the call to cleaning Tutsis in DRC and their remote Sponsors, who finally came out, for their attempt to rewrite history and exonerate themselves for their role in crimes of genocide against Tutsi and whole humanity.

fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024