Author-card of document number 18873

Janvier 2017
Rwanda 2016. Bibliographie

François Lagarde
The University of Texas at Austin
23 janvier 2017




1.1 Recherche
1.2 Doctorats
1.3 Maîtrises


2.1 Témoignages
2.2 Histoire
2.3 Génocide
2.4 Mémoire; Réconciliation


3.1 Ressources; Environnement
3.2 Mines
3.3 Economie; Finances
3.4 Technologie
3.5 Tourisme


4.1 Agriculture
4.2 Sylviculture
4.3 Alimentation


5.1 Politique nationale
5.2 Politique régionnale
5.3 Politique internationale


6.1 Éducation
6.2 Enfance; Adolescence
6.3 Femmes; Genre
6.4 Société



6.5 Religion
Littérature religieuse


7.1 Gacaca
7.2 Droit international; ICTR


8.1 Littérature juvénile
8.2 Romans; récits
8.3 Poésie
8.4 Arts du spectacle
8.5 Récits de voyage
8.6 Culture
8.7 Livres illustrés
8.8 Dictionnaires
8.9 Critique
8.10 Film


9.1 Policy; Management
9.2 Children’s Health
9.3 Women’s Health
9. 4 Family Planning
9.6 Emergency; Injury
9.7 Oncology
9.8 Surgery
9.9 Mental Health
9.10 Nursing
9.11 Pharmacy
9. 12 Vaccination
9.13 Malaria
9.14 Varia (Public Health)


10.1 Climatologie
10.2 Sciences de la nature
10.3 Primatologie



Comme les précédentes, cette bibliographie recense les livres, les chapitres de livre, les
articles, les rapports et les publications matérielles ou électroniques portant en tout ou en
partie sur le Rwanda et publiés pendant l’année 2016. Les articles de journaux ou de
magazines ne sont pas inclus.
Comme les précédentes, les entrées sont classées par discipline, par genre ou par sujet.
Ces classes sont assez lâches, assez naïves, pour accueillir toutes les sous-classes. Histoire,
Economie, Politique, Société sont à prendre au sens large. “Société” est un peu le fourre-tout
de la bibliographie.
On continue aujourd’hui à publier des témoignages et des mémoires. Des rescapés, des
humanitaires, d’anciens “colons”, des officiels (e.g. Johann Swinnen) publient des récits
biographiques. Mais on publie peu de travaux sur l’histoire rwandaise qui précède le
génocide. Tout l’intérêt historique, juridique ou moral continue à porter sur le génocide et sur
ses suites, la réconciliation, les gacaca et le TPIR.
On continue à écrire des romans “rwandais” mais, à notre connaissance, il n’y a pas eu de
grand film “rwandais” en 2016.
Les catégories de Public Health feront sourire les médecins. Le chapitre est en anglais
parce que tous les articles sur le sujet, toujours multi-autoriaux, sont en anglais. Le chapitre
Sciences n’est qu’indicatif.
Environ 85 % des publications recensées sont en anglais. Elles sont écrites en majorité par
des personnes qui ne sont pas rwandaises.
Dans un article paru cette année1, Vansina regrette que la plupart des social scientists qui
étudient le Rwanda soient des étrangers, des non-rwandais. Il pense que “the main body of
historiography about Africa is foreign to Africa: it stems from foreigners, is published
elsewhere often out of reach to locals, often about topics that are of concern elsewhere, and
most often in the so-called “West”.
C’est exact pour l’historiographie, mais pas si l’on envisage toutes les disciplines.
Les non-Rwandais sont certainement beaucoup plus nombreux que les Rwandais à écrire
sur le Rwanda. Les Rwandais sont peu nombreux à écrire sur les matières politiques, censure
oblige, et très peu à écrire sur les matières juridiques. Peu de Rwandais, cette année, se sont
penchés sur le génocide, face à la cohorte des chercheurs étrangers. Ce sont des Blancs, pour
la plupart, qui écrivent l’histoire moderne du Rwanda. Reyntjens va signer le Que sais-je? sur
le génocide des Tutsi, en 2017.
Mais pour autant, les Rwandais, et d’autres Africains, publient dans les domaines
scientifique, économique, agricole, éducatif, social, littéraire du Rwanda. En matière de santé
publique, les Rwandais sont fort nombreux à écrire dans cette aire de recherche
Des sites internets portant sur le Rwanda mériteraient d’être recensés. On recommande ACI
Scholarly Blog Index à pour une sélection de publications
électroniques d’intérêt.
Pour un oubli ou une erreur, veuillez s’il vous plaît contacter:


Vansina, Jan, “De Vita Sua”, Society, 53-3, 2016, pp. 240-245.


1.1 Recherche (Méthodes, Archives, Bibliographie)
Graner, François, “L’accès aux archives sur le Rwanda”, La Nuit rwandaise, 10, avril
2016, pp. 57-79.
Kakoma, Jean Baptiste, “Postgraduate and research programmes in Medicine and
Public Health in Rwanda: an exciting experience about training of human resources for
health in a limited resources country”, The Pan African medical journal, 23, 2016, p. 171.
Koren, Roselyne, “Exemple historique, comparaison, analogie, métaphore: sont-ils
interchangeables ?”, Argumentation et analyse du discours, 16, 2016, 13 p. http://

Korman, Rémi, Les archives de la Croix Rouge Internationale et le Rwanda, 13 mars
Loyle, Cyanne, “Overcoming Research Obstacles in Hybrid Regimes: Lessons from
Rwanda”, Social Science Quarterly. 97-4 2016, pp. 923-935.
Plas, Pascal, Les archives disponibles sur le génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda, 22 mai
Réra, Nathan,“Les chantiers de la mémoire. Quelles archives audiovisuelles pour le
Rwanda?”, in Créations, arts, patrimoines: Enjeux contemporains, revue du Labex CAP,
“Fictions et frictions culturelles. Art et patrimoine en action”, 3, 2016, pp. 199-229.
United Nations, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Special Bibliography on
ICTR/Bibliographie spéciale dur le TPIR 2015, NY: United Nations Publications, 2016,
190 p.
Sekalala, Seif, “Efficacy of Narrative/Discourse Analysis and Autoethnographic
Research Methods in Communication/Media and Ethnic Conflict Studies: A Reflection
on Research about Rwandan Former Refugees and Genocide Survivors (FRGSs)”, in
Shaikh, Sonia Jawaid (ed), Elite Communication and Legitimization of Violence during
Inter-Group Conflicts, Hersey, PA: IGI Global, 2016, pages 38-58
Vansina, Jan, “De Vita Sua”, Society, 53-3, 2016, pp. 240-245.
Wilson, Richard, “Expert Evidence on Trial: Social Researchers in the International
Criminal Courtroom”, American Ethnologist, 43-4, 2016, pp. 1-29.
1.2 Doctorats
Barstow, Christina Kay, An analysis of sustainability in water and energy product
implementation in rural Rwanda, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2016, PHD
Bigirimana, Vincent, Characterization of sheath rot pathogens from major ricegrowing areas in Rwanda, University of Gent, 2016, PHD

Binenwa, Jean-Bosco Nsengiyumva, Reintegrating ex-combatants : an action research
project in a Rwandan agricultural cooperative, Durban University of Technology, 2016,
Brown, Sara, Gender and agency: Women rescuers and perpetrators during the
genocide in Rwanda, Clark University, 2006, PHD
Byizigiro, Rutazuyaza Vaillant, Geomorphic processes associated with Small-Scale
Opencast Mining and mitigation measures: case study of the Gatumba Mining District in
the Western Highlands of Rwanda, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany, 2016, PHD
Chemouni, Benjamin, The politics of state effectiveness in Burundi and Rwanda:
Ruling elite legitimacy and the imperative of state performance, London School of
Economics and Political Science, 2006, PHD
De Zamaroczy, Nicolas, Taking orders from Brussels? External actors and regional
organizations in the developing world, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
2016, PHD
Dekker, Cora, Terugvinden van waardigheid: Community-based sociotherapie in
Rwanda, Oost Congo en Liberia, Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 2016, PHD
Diallo, Thierno Abdoulaye, Regard sur l'Etat justiciable en droit International, École
doctorale Droit et science politique Pierre Couvrat (Poitiers), 2016, Doctorat
Dillavou, Megan Claire, Individual and couple-level risk factors associated with HIV
transmission, family planning and ART initiation in an open cohort of heterosexual HIV-1
serodiscordant couples in Rwanda, University of California, Los Angeles, 2016, PHD
Dushimimana, Jean De Dieu, An evaluation of land reform implementation in postgenocide Rwanda : the case of the southern province, North-West University, South
Africa, 2016, PHD
Dykhouse, Elizabeth, International Interests and Psychological Well-Being Following
Global Service Learning as a Function of Sociocultural Adaptation and Cultural
Distance, Seattle Pacific University, 2016, PHD
Ehrenberg, Steven, After the recovery: Understanding education policy shifts in
Rwanda, 1998–2012, Columbia University, 2006, PHD
Elveborg Lindskog, Elina, Effects of violent conflict on women and children: Sexual
behavior, fertility, and infant mortality in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of
Congo, Stockholm University, 2016, PHD
Gasore, Elie, Growth and Productivity of Irrigated Rice (Oryza sativa L.) for a
Tropical High Altitude Environment in Rwanda, University of Arkansas, 2016, PHD
Geraghty, Mark Anthony, Genocide ideology, nation-building, counter-revolution:
Specters of the Rwandan nation-state The University of Chicago, 2006, PHD
Guo, Tiffany, Expanding accessibility of diagnostics through miniaturized
technologies, Columbia University, 2016, PHD
Hedglen, Jenna, "We Hear You and We Help You": A Phenomenological Account of
Resiliency in Post-Genocide Rwanda, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology,
2006, PHD

Herring, Paula, Business and economic empowerment: Stories from women of
Rwanda, Fielding Graduate University, 2016, PHD
Itzhak, Nofit, Still Transformations: Mediating Presence in a Catholic Charismatic
Humanitarian Mission, University of California, San Diego, PHD
Kayihura, Didas Muganga, Corporate governance and the liability of corporate
directors: the case of Rwanda, Utrecht University, 2016, PHD
Kayitare, Emmanuel, Factors Affecting Rwandan Informal Sector Workers'
Participation in Public Pension Schemes, Walden University, 2016, PHD
Kehoe, Earl, The teaching of history in post-genocide Rwanda : a case-study of a postgenocide secondary school history curriculum, University of Nottingham, 2016, PHD
Khisa, Moses, The Institutional Transformation of Africa's Personalist Regimes: A
Comparative Analysis of Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda, and Uganda, Northwestern
University, PHD
Lassée, Isabelle, Les missions d'établissement des faits des Nations Unies sur les
violations graves et massives du droit international des droits de l'homme et du droit
international humanitaire: entre uniformité et diversité, Université Panthéon-Assas,
2006, Doctorat
MacLeod, George, Approaching the witness : narratives of trauma in Sub-Saharan
Francophone African literature and film, University of Pennsylvania, 2016, PHD
Makpawo, Essodomdoo, La répression universelle des crimes internationaux, École
doctorale droit et science politique Pierre Couvrat (Poitiers), 2016, Doctorat
Mueller, Anne Goullaud, Memorializing the Genocide of the Tutsi Through Literature,
Song, and Performance, University of California, Los Angeles, 2016, PHD
Mugunga, Canisius Patrick, The use of Eucalyptus in agroforestry systems of southern
Rwanda: to integrate or segregate?, Wageningen University, 2016 PHD
Mupenzi, Mutimura, Ecological benefits of brachiaria grasses in integrated croplivestock production systems in Rwanda, Pietermaritzburg, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
2016, PHD
Muvunyi, Emmanuel, Teacher motivation and incentives in Rwanda: analysis of
stakeholders' perceptions of the changes in teachers' motivation during 2008-13,
University of Sussex, PHD
Narvaez, Nathalie, La violence extrême à l’épreuve du genre: les voix des auteures du
Rwanda et du Guatemala, Université de Bretagne occidentale, 2016, Doctorat
Neal, Claire, Treatment Costs of Pediatric Cancer in Rwanda The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2016, PHD
Neina, Dora, Microbial response to restoration of tantalite mine soils in western
Rwanda, University of Kassel, 2016, PHD
Nkuyubwatsi, Bernard, Opening up higher education in Rwanda : the potential
contribution of extension Massive Open Online Courses (xMOOCs), Open Educational
Resources (OER) units in the MIT Open Courseware and different stakeholders,
University of Leicester, 2016, PHD

Nomlomo, Vuyokazi; Mfurankunda, Pravda, Constructing multilingual digital
identities: An investigation into Grade 11 learners’ digital practices in relation to English
language learning in Rwanda, University of the Western Cape, 2016, PHD
Påfs, Jessica, The Quest for Maternal Survival in Rwanda : Paradoxes in Policy and
Practice from the Perspective of Near-Miss Women, Recent Fathers and Healthcare
Providers, Uppsala Universitet, 2016, PHD
Stratton, Michelle, Culture Resilience and Adaptation: The Voices of Rwandan and
Congolese Refugees, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2016, PHD
Stryjan, Miri, “Preparing for Genocide: Community Meetings in Rwanda”, in Idem,
Essays on Development Policy and the Political Economy of Conflict, University of
Stockholm, 2016, PHD
Turamwishimiye, Marie-Rose, Reconciling biodiversity conservation and agricultural
development in the context of international and domestic law in Rwanda, University of
Cape Town, 2016, PHD
Vasan, Ashwin, Improving the quality of primary care delivery and health worker
performance in rural Rwanda using the W.H.O. Integrated Management of Adolescent &
Adult Illness (IMAI) guidelines, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 2016,
Verdone, Michael, Three essays on the economics of restoring degraded land: From
global to local, Colorado State University, 2016, PHD
Young, Andrew, "We are all Rwandans": Imagining the Post-Genocidal Nation Across
Media, University of California, Los Angeles, PHD
1.3 Maîtrises
Aardoom, C., Friend or foe: victimised groups in genocide cases : a comparative
analysis of the judgments before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International
Criminal Court, Tilburg University, 2016, MA
Awuah-Gyamfi, Eric, Our Lady of Kibeho: Mother, Teacher, and an Instrument of
God's Grace, The Athenaeum of Ohio, Cincinnati, 2016, MA
Barrette, Timothy, Imagination, the Hamitic myth and Rwanda: The foundation of
division in Rwanda, California State University, Fullerton, 2016, MA
Bour, Juliette, Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, une femme en procès. Le procès au Tribunal
pénal international pour le Rwanda de la première femme condamnée pour crime contre
l'humanité et crime de génocide. Juin 2001-Avril 2014, SciencesPo, 2016, MA
Edmonds, Chloe, The crime of all crimes: Genocide's primacy in international
criminal law, Georgetown University, 2016, MA
Erinkveld, Bob,The land of a thousand broken hearts: trauma and reconciliation in
post-genocide Rwanda, The University of Utrecht, 2016, MA
Galloway, Catherine, Teacher professional development for early grade literacy :
results from a randomized control trial in Rwanda, Stanford University, 2016, MA

Gaston-Hawkins, Lauren, Forced Migration and Health: A Course Proposal, Yale
University, 2016, MPH
Gertz, Evelyn Ann, Is genocidal behavior learned? Assessing the familial ties of
genocide perpetrators, Ohio State University, 2016, MA
Halfon, Johanna, Post-Cesarean Section Peritonitis at a Referral Hospital in Rwanda:
Factors Associated with Maternal Morbidity and Mortality, Duke University, 2006, MS
Hoeboer, Robbert, Multi-scale approaches to identify topographic features favourable
as breeding sites by malaria vectors: a case study in Ruhuha, Bugesera, Rwanda,
Wageningen University, 2016, MS
Iradukunda, Favorite, Knowledge, attitudes and application of evidence-based
practice by third and fourth year undergraduate nursing students at the University of
Rwanda, University of Cape Town, 2016, MS
Jestin, Ashley, Securitization of the French Language in Rwanda in 1990-1994, Royal
Military College of Canada, 2016, MA
Kamanzi, Anna Rushton, Becoming Rwandan: paths to integration for the Potters,
California State University, Chico, 2016, MA
Karusisi, Ruki, Theater Sustainment Reserve for the Rwanda Defence Forces, Fort
Leavenworth, KS: US Army Command and General Staff College, 2016, MA
Kodero, Cliff, Dangerous memory : contrasting public and private memories of the
Rwandan genocide using Hutus in the United States, University of Wyoming, 2016, MA
Koss, Erika, Does coffee matter? Women and development in Rwanda, Northeastern
University, 2016, MA
Lara, Joshua Adan, Phylogeography of the natal puddle frog Phrynobatrachus
natalensis (Anura: Phrynobatrachidae) in Sub-Saharan Africa, The University of Texas
at El Paso, 2016, MA
Lawther, Isaac, Situating Sino-African agricultural demonstrations in the global food
order: Case studies from Rwanda and Uganda, University of Waterloo, Canada, 2016,
Melse, Lara, Never forget, never remember : competing narratives and reconciliation
in contemporary Rwanda, University of Amsterdam, 2016, MA
Moret, Helmi, “Thou shalt not kill”: the history of the Catholic Church and racial
division in Rwanda, University of Amsterdam, 2016, MA
Nisengwe, Jean Francois Regis, Risk perceptions, attitudes, and climate change
adaptation behaviors: A case of farmers in Nyabihu District, Rwanda, Michigan State
University, 2016, MS
Nzanana, Jean-Baptiste Language learning motivation and oral proficiency in learners
of English as a foreign language : the case of university students in Rwanda, Michigan
State University, 2006, MA
Oomkens, Arja, Memories in transition: Towards a thorough understanding of the role
of the radio in Rwanda's recent history: From tool of destruction to a means of repair,
University of Amsterdam, 2016, MA

Sievert, Caitlin, Hutu Rwandan Refugees of Dzaleka: Double-exile and its Impact on
Conceptions of Home and Identity, The University of Ottawa, 2016, MA
Stonehouse, Jeff, Concentrate to annihilate : a strategic analysis of the Rwandan
genocide, The University of British Columbia, 2016, MA
Ta, Thanh, Recreating the Rwandan state and Citizen : an analysis of diaspora politics
and its role in transforming Rwandan identities, The University of Cape Town, 2016, MA
Tellez Sanchez, Sarita, Household Water Filter Use Characterization in Rural
Rwanda: Signal Interpretation, Development and Validation, Portland State University,
2016, MS
Uzamukunda, Assumpta, Actor networks and power relations in forest landscape
restoration: a comparative case study of Gishwati and Mukura Landscapes, Rwanda,
Wageningen University, 2016, MS
Weldon, Kevin, One for all and all for one; Combatting human trafficking in East
Africa by granting limited criminal jurisdiction to the East African Court of Justice,
Regent University, 2016, MA




2.1 Témoignages
Bosco, Jean-Jacques, No one knows what happened in Rwanda, Vancouver: Midtown
Press, 2016, np.
Colvin, Mark, Light and shadow : memoirs of a spy's son, Carlton: Melbourne
University Press, 2016, 355 p.
Corneille, Là où le soleil disparaît: Autobiographie, Paris: XO, 2016, 319 p.
Dallaire, Roméo, Waiting for first light: my ongoing battle with PTSD, Toronto:
Random House Canada, 2016, 208 p.
de Parcevaux, Alain et Armelle, Rwanda: les larmes des mille collines, Internet:
Amazon Media EU, 2016, n. p.
Gakire, Dieudonné, A Dreaming Child, Internet: Divine Purpose Pub., 2016, 226 p.
Garrity, Philip, “Bone of my bones”, The Lancet, 387-10024, 2016, pp. 1154-1155.
Golden, Jonathan David, Be You, Do Good: Having The Guts To Pursue What Makes
You Come Alive, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2016, 224 p.
Habyarimana, Jeanne, Mon père, cette autre partie de moi qu’on m’a arrachée:
Hommage à Juvénal Habyarimana, Bruxelles: Editions Scribe, 2016, 256 p.
Hogwood, Jemma; Rouf, Khadj, “What shall I tell my child?”, Psychologist, 29-6,
2006, pp. 458-460.
Le Carré, John, The pigeon tunnel: stories from my life, New York: Viking, 2016, 320 p.
Mukantabana, Adelaide, L'innommable, Agahomamunwa: Un récit du génocide des
Tutsi, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2016, 412 p.
Murangira, César, Un sachet d'hosties pour cinq: Récit d’un rescapé du génocide des
Tutsi commis en 1994 au Rwanda, Nantes: Éditions Amalthée, 2016, 205 p.
Ndahayo, Gilbert, Rwanda Coming to the Memory, New York: Rwanda The Movie,
2016, 178 p.
Relin, David, “This is Rwanda”, in Idem, Second suns: two trailblazing doctors and
their quest to cure blindness, one pair of eyes at a time, New York: The Experiment,
2016, pp. 346-371.
Sebatware, André, Ruhengeri, territoire du Rwanda: jadis, hier, aujourd'hui, CorbeilEssonnes: ICES, 2016, 396 p.
Steward, John, From Genocide to Generosity: Hatreds Heal on Rwanda’s Hills,
Carlisle, UK: Langham Global Library, 2016, 200 p.

Swinnen, Johan, Rwanda: Mijn verhaal [Rwanda: Mon histoire], Kalmthout :
Uitgeverij Polis, 2016, 496 p.
Toch, Nicole, Mémoire d'un autre temps au Rwanda, Saint-Denis: Société des
écrivains, 2016, Tome 3, 66 p.; Tome 4, 74 p.
Umunyana, Dydine, Embracing Survival, Santa Monica, CA: Umbrella Press, 2016,
169 p.
2.2 Histoire
Carney, J-J, Rwanda before the genocide : catholic politics and ethnic discourse in
the late colonial era, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016 [2014], 360 p.
Chrétien, Jean-Pierre; Dumas, Hélène, André Guichaoua, Rwanda: de la guerre au
génocide, compte-rendu, Annales, 1, janv.-mars 2016, pp. 301-304.
Chrétien, Jean-Pierre, Hélène Dumas, Le génocide au village : compte-rendu, Annales,
1, janv.-mars 2016, pp. 304-306.
de Waal, Alex, “The Big Man”, London Review of Books, 38-21, 3 November 2016. pp
28-29. [compte-rendu Guichaoua, Rwanda: de la guerre au génocide]
Fegley, Randall, A history of Rwandan identity and trauma: the mythmakers' victims,
Lanham : Lexington Books, 2016, 194 p.
Giblin, John, “Political and theoretical problems for the archaeological identification
of precolonial Twa, Tutsi and Hutu in Rwanda”, in Richard, François; MacDonald, Kevin
(eds), Ethnic ambiguity and the African past : materiality, history, and the shaping of
cultural identities, London: Routledge, 2016, pp. 217-244.
Hitimana, Célestin, Rwanda: deux siècles de crime contre l'humanité, Paris:
L’Harmattan, 2016, 418 p.
Nyirahabimana, J.; Nkejabahizi, J.-C., “Ndorwá famous women”, Rwanda Journal,
Series A, 1, 2016, pp 17-31.
Riot, Thomas, “A roundabout revolution: rethinking the decolonization of Rwanda by
the practices of the Catholic scouting movement, 1954-1964”, in Bancel, Nicolas; Riot,
Thomas; Frenkiel, Stanisław (eds), Sports in postcolonial worlds, London/New York:
Routledge, 2016, ch. 8.
Schuylenbergh, Patricia, “Rwanda, Kingdom of”, The Encyclopedia of Empire, Wiley
Online Library, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/9781118455074.wbeoe047
Sebunuma, Déogratias, Rwanda: crimes d'honneur et influences régionales, Issy-lesMoulineaux : Umusozo, 2016, 278 p.
Sebunuma, Déogratias, Le jugement de l'histoire: effets du néocolonialisme
multinational au Rwanda, Paris: Umusozo, 2016, 492 p.
Twagilimana, Aimable, Historical dictionary of Rwanda, Lanham: Rowman &
Littlefield, 2016, (seconde édition), 358 p.
Van Grunderbeek, Marie-Claude; Roche, Emile, “Multidisciplinary evidence of mixed

farming during the early Iron Age in Rwanda and Burundi”, in Denham, Tim; Iriarte,
José; Vrydaghs, Luc (eds), Rethinking agriculture: archaeological and
ethnoarchaeological perspectives, London: Routledge, 2016, pp. 299-319.
2.3 Génocide
---, “Völkermord in Ruanda”, Juristische Rundschau, 4, 2016, pp 213-217.
Amoureux, Jack, “Living in and beyond genocide in Rwanda”, in Idem A practice of
ethics for global politics: ethical reflexivity, New York: Routledge 2016, pp. 142-171.
Barnett, Michael, Eyewitness to a genocide: the United Nations and Rwanda, Ithaca:
Cornell University Press, (2002) 2016, 240 p.
Brehm, Hollie Nyseth; Fox, Nicole, “Narrating Genocide: Time, Memory, and
Blame”, Sociological Forum, 19 October 2016, 22 p. DOI: 10.1111/socf.12319
Brehm, Hollie Nyseth; Uggen, Christopher; Gasanabo, Jean-Damascène, “Age,
Gender, and the Crime of Crimes: Toward A Life-Course Theory of Genocide
Participation”, Criminology, 54-4, 2016, pp. 713-743.
Bruneteau, Bernard, Un siècle de génocides: des Hereros au Darfour, 1904-2004,
Paris: Armand Colin, 2016, 352 p.
Buettner, Angi, “Never Again: Rwanda, Genocide and the Holocaust”, in Idem,
Holocaust Images and Picturing Catastrophe: The Cultural Politics of seeing, Oxon, UK/
New York: Rutledge, (2011) 2016, pp. 61-80.
Burnet, Jennie, "Genocide, Evil, and Human Agency: The Concept of Evil in
Rwandan Explanations of the 1994 Genocide", in Olsen, William; van Beek, Walter
(eds), Evil in Africa: Encounters with the Everyday, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University
Press, 2016, pp. 75-90.
De Swaan, Abram, Diviser pour tuer: les régimes génocidaires et leurs hommes de
main, Paris: Seuil, 2016, 354 p.
De Waal, Alex, “Writing Human Rights and Getting It Wrong”, Boston Review, June
06, 2016
Deutsch, David; Yanay, Niza, “The politics of intimacy: Nazi and Hutu propaganda as
case studies”, Journal of Genocide Research, 18-1, 2016, pp. 21-39.
Di Stefano, Paul, “Understanding Rescuing During the Rwandan Genocide”, Peace
Review, 28-2, 2016, pp. 195-202.
Diop, Boubacar Boris, “Denial Through Silence... (Africa Faced with the Genocide of
the Tutsi)”, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 20-2, pp. 243-254
Fitzpatrick, Brenda, “Tactical rape and genocide in Rwanda”, in Idem, Tactical rape in
war and conflict : international recognition and response, Bristol, UK/Chicago, IL :
Policy Press, 2016, 256 p.
Friedman, Willa, “The economics of genocide in Rwanda”, in Anderton, Charlen;
Brauer, Jurgen (eds), Economic aspects of genocides, other mass atrocities, and their
prevention, New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, ch. 15.

Gasana, Oscar, “A typology of theoretical approaches to the study of Rwandan Tutsi
genocide”, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 8-4, 2016, pp. 258-268.
Grieder, Andrea, Collines des mille souvenirs: Vivre après et avec le génocide perpétré
contre les Tutsi du Rwanda, Genève:, 2016, 410 p.
1 Souffrance et chemins de son dépassement
2 La colline de Nyamagumba
3 Héros fragiles et rituels de commémoration
4 Souffrance et poésie

Hanson, Ian, “Mass Grave Investigation and Identifying Missing Persons: Challenges
and Innovations in Archaeology and Anthropology in the Context of Mass Death
Environments”, in Morewitz, Stephen; Colls Sturdy, Caroline (eds), Handbook of Missing
Persons, Cham: Springer International, 2016, pp 491-514
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Introduction: from ideas and principles to politics and policy-making
1 Women, gender and international politics
2 Women’s representation and participation in transitions
3 Gendering Rwanda’s nascent and emerging publics
4 Negotiating Beijing, genocide crimes and the right to inherit: women’s agenda-setting
during the transition;
5 ‘If it is not in the constitution, anyone can change it!’ Engendering the 2003 Constitution;
6 Going against the grain? First legislative results;
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Ukundamaliya, Agnes; Milanesi, Roberta, Akajangwe Buroho
Kigali: Bakame Editions, 2016, 28 p. (Idem, Funny Cat!; Drôle de chat, Bakame
Editions, 2016, 28 p.)
Umuhuza, Denyse; Mazille, Capucine, Uruhimbi rwa Nyanka, Kigali: Bakame
Editions, 2016, 28 p. (Idem, The Secret of Nyanka; Le Secret de Nyanka, Bakame Edit.,
2016, 28 p.)

8.2 Romans; récits
Alvés, José, Rwanda, mon amour, Saint-Astier: Ed. Alves Jose Albano, 2016, 213 p.
Bahufite, Liliane, Une vie qui n'est pas mienne, Lille: Sources du Nil, 2016, 200 p.
Bicamumpaka, Marie-Madeleine, Nzeba l'Africaine et Dimitri (roman d'après une
histoire vraie); Tome 1: L'Idylle, un couple mixte comme les autres, 300 p.; Tome 2: Une
bataille sans trêve, 330 p. Collection Isis, Lille: Sources du Nil, 2016.
Costa, Adelson, Rwandese Flowers: A story based on the Rwandan genocide, Internet:
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016, 352 p.
de Vessel, Mona, One-String Guitar, Hollywood, CA: Harvard Square Editions, 2016,
313 p.
Faye, Gaël, Petit pays, Paris: Grasset, 2016, 224 p. [Burundi]
Ghata, Yasmine, J'ai longtemps eu peur de la nuit, Paris: Laffont, 2016, 216 p.
Jais-Nielsen, Kurt, Ils ont abattu les grands arbres, Buc: Tensing, 2016, 215 p.
Lonsi Koko, Gaspard-Hubert, Au pays des mille collines, Paris: L'Atelier de
l'Égrégore, 2016, 163 p.
Lowery, Christopher, The Rwandan Hostage (African Diamonds Trilogy), Chatham,
UK: Urbane Publications, 2016, 672 p.
Mead, Alice, Neema's Little Ghost Book: The Orphans of Central Africa, Internet:
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platfor, 2016, 190 p.
Mukasonga, Scholastique; Jordan Stump (trad.), Cockroaches, Brooklyn, NY:
Archipelago Books, 2016, 165 p.
Mukasonga, Scholastique, Coeur tambour, Paris: Gallimard, 2016, 170 p.
Russo, Albert, African Quatuor of Award-Winning Novels on the Belgian Congo and
Rwanda-Urundi, Sweden: L’Aleph-Wise House, 2016, 726 p.
Waberi, Abdourahman; Thomas, Dominic (trad.), Harvest of skulls, Bloomington :
Indiana University Press, 2016, 80 p.
Bindu, Ruffin, Cris d'alarme: une œuvre d'incitation à la paix dans la région de (sic)
grands lacs: République Démocratique du Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Saarbrücken:
Presses Académiques Francophones, 2016, 68 p.
Okot Bitek, Juliane, 100 days, Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press, 2016, 120 p.
Osler, Richard, Hyaena season, Toronto: Quattro Books, 2016, 80 p.
8.4 Arts du spectacle
Ladika, Susan, “Angel Uwamahoro: Healing Wounds of the Rwandan Genocide
Through Performance”, International Educator, 25-6, 2016, pp. 24-25.
Mundel, Dieudonné Mufwankolo, Les Trois Soeurs, Paris: Editions de l'Erablière,

2016, 38 pages (théâtre).
Plancke, Carine, “Contemporary Dynamics in Rwandan Dances: Identity, Changing
Creativity and the Globalisation of Affect”, Dance Research, 34-2, 2016, pp. 150-169.
8.5 Récits de voyage
Ferguson, Will, Road Trip Rwanda: A Journey Into the New Heart of Africa,
Toronto: Penguin Canada, 2016, 368 p
Joyce, Lan, Africa Overland : from Cairo to Cape Town, Richmond, Canada : ITMB
Publishing Ltd, 2016, 107 p.
Wood, Levison, Walking the Nile, London/New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016, 352 p.
8.6 Culture
Mesas, Thierry; Kankolongo, Kofi, Devinettes rwandaises Riddles from Rwanda
Ibisakuzo “Bilingue (sic) français-kinyarwanda-anglais”, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2016, 96 p.
Misago, Célestin Kanimba; Mesas, Thierry, Artisanat au Rwanda: La vannerie, Paris:
L’Harmattan, 2016, 32 p.
Misago, Célestin Kanimba; Mesas, Thierry, Les arts du feu: Poterie et fer forgé, Paris:
L’Harmattan, 2016, 32 p.
8.7 Livres illustrés
Abtan, Benjamin; Kouchner, Bernard; Mamère, Noël; Mitsindo, Gratie, C215: Justice
au Rwanda, Grenoble: Critères Éditions, 2016, 95 p.
Adjaye, David; Allison, Peter, Adjaye, Africa, architecture: a photographic survey of
metropolitan architecture, New York: Thames & Hudson, 2016, 407 p.
Kagame, Faustin; Mesas, Thierry; Tordjeman, Gilles (photo.), Rwanda Niziza, Paris:
L’Harmattan, 2016, 312 p.
8.8 Dictionnaires
Mawadza, Aquilina, Kinyarwanda-English/English-Kinyarwanda Dictionary &
Phrasebook, New York: Hippocrene Books, 2016, 256 p.
Niyibizi, Ananie, Let's Speak Kinyarwanda! Instant Immersion, Internet: Shadow Me
Language Series, 2016, 86 p.
8. 9 Critique
Apol, Laura, “Writing poetry in Rwanda: a means for better listening, understanding,
processing, and responding”, Journal of Poetry Therapy, 2016, pp. 1-13, http://
Bhabha, Homi, “Writing The Void: Language, Identity, and Migration”, Artforum
International, 54-10, 2016, 7 p.

Bodo, Bidy Cyprien; Coulibaly, Moussa; Kamagate, Bassidiki (eds), Les écritures de
l'horreur en littératures africaine, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2016, 437 p.
Brezault, Éloïse, “Les Œuvres du Fest'Africa : Les enjeux de la trace dans un « lieu de
mémoire » déterritorialisé”, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 20-2, pp
Brinker, Virginie, Figures de témoins: Médiations littéraires et fictionnelles du
génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda”, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 20-2,
2016, pp. 227-232.
Cordova, Sarah Davies; Kabwe-Segatti, Désiré (eds), Ecrire, traduire, peindre:
Véronique Tadjo, Paris: Présence Africaine Éditions, 2016, 362 p.
Delcuvellerie, Jacques; Collard, Marie-France, “Rwanda 94 : Transgresser une limite /
Produire de la limite”, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 20-2, 2016, pp.
Dinesh, Nandita, Theatre and war notes from the field, Cambridge: Open Book
Publishers 2016, 210 p.
Gahutu, A. “Towards grim voyeurism: The poetics of the gaze on Africa”, Rwanda
Journal, Series A, 1, 2016, pp 77-89.
Helff, Sissy, “In the name of the Other? Refugee theatre and the value of “illegal” life
in Britain”, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 52-1, 2016, pp. 102-113.
Napoli, Gabrielle, “Fictions d’auteur et génocides: réflexions pour une poétique du
témoignage (Hongrie-Rwanda)”, in Pluvinet, Charline; Parisot, Yolaine (eds), Pour un
récit transnational: la fiction au défi de l'histoire immédiate, Rennes: Presses
universitaires de Rennes, 2016 [2015], pp. 193-204.
Nganang, Patrice, “Une Question de génération”, Contemporary French and
Francophone Studies, 20-2, 2016, pp. 215-226
Norridge, Zoe, “Journeying into Rwanda: placing Philip Gourevitch's account of
genocide within literary, postcolonial, and human rights framweworks”, in McClennen,
Sophia; Moore, Alexandra Schultheis (eds), The Routledge companion to literature and
human rights, London/New York: Routledge, 2016, pp 341-350
Semujanga, Josias, Narrating Itsembabwoko : when literature becomes testimony of
genocide, Bern: Peter Lang AG, 2016, 248 p.
Spiessens, Anneleen, Quand le bourreau prend la parole: témoignage et fiction,
Genève: Librairie Droz, 2016, 392 p.
8.10 Film
Aoki, Eric; Jonas, Kyle, “Collective memory and sacred space in post-genocide
Rwanda: Reconciliation and rehumanization processes in Mureithi’s Icyizere”, Journal of
International and Intercultural Communication, 9-3, 2016, pp. 240-258.
Cieplak, Piotr, “History, trauma and remembering in Kivu Ruhorahoza’s Grey Matter
(2011)”, Journal of African Cultural Studies, 1-15, 2016, 5 p.

Cieplak, Piotr, Death, Image, Memory: The Genocide in Rwanda and its Aftermath in
Photography and Documentary Film, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 233 p.
Landsberg, Alison, “Politics and the historical film: Hotel Rwanda and the form of
engagement”, in Rosenstone, Robert; Parvulescu, Constantin (eds), A companion to the
historical film, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, pp. 11-30.
Marthie, Momberg, “Hotel Rwanda: Individual Heroism or Interconnectedness in The
Portrayal of Paul Rusesabagina?”, Scriptura, 115-1, 2016, 12 p.
Moss, Barbara; Afobali, Mary, “‘Truth’ in Films about the Rwandan Genocide”, in
Hewitt, William; Friedman, Jonathan (eds), The History of Genocide in Cinema:
Atrocities on Screen, London: I.B. Tauris, 2016, ch. 16.


9.1. Policy; Management
Bailey, Claire; Blake, Carolyn; Schriver, Michael; et al., “A systematic review of
supportive supervision as a strategy to improve primary healthcare services in SubSaharan Africa”, International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics, 132-1, 2016, pp.
Binagwaho, Agnes; Scott, Kirstin Woody, “Learning Valuable Perspectives on
Improving the World’s Health Through the Post-2015 Development Agenda: A Response
to Recent Commentaries”, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 5-4,
2006, pp. 289-290.
Brown, Suzana; Mickelson, Alan, “Smart Phones As a Viable Data Collection Tool in
Low-resource Settings: Case Study of Rwandan Community Health Workers”,
Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, 4-2, 2016, pp.132-139.
Brown, Suzana; McSharry, Patrick, “Improving accuracy and usability of growth
charts: case study in Rwanda”, BMJ Open, 6-1, 2016, p. e009046, doi:10.1136/
Dao, Amy; Nichter, Mark, “The Social Life of Health Insurance in Low- to Middleincome Countries: An Anthropological Research Agenda”, Medical Anthropology
Quarterly, 30-3, 2016, pp. 321–341 [Nepal, India, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Rwanda,
Finnoff, Kade, “Gender Disparity in Access to the Rwandan Mutual Health Insurance
Scheme”, Feminist Economics, 22-3, 2016, pp. 26-50.
Glassman, Amanda; Temin, Miriam, “Motivating Better Health: Rwanda's Pay-forPerformance Scheme for Health Service”, in Idem, Millions Saved : New Cases of Proven
Success in Global Health, New York: Brookings Institution Press; Washington, DC:
Center for Global Development, 2016, ch. 12.
Gros, Jean-Germain, Healthcare policy in Africa: institutions and politics from
colonialism to the present, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016, 302 p. [Botswana,
Ghana, Rwanda]
Mugeni, C.; Condo, J.; Dushimimana, E.; Ngabi, F.; et al., “Opportunities to use and
improve data measurement systems in Rwanda”, Annals of Global Health, 82-3, 2016, p.
Murphy, Michael; Ricks, Alan; Moulton, Annie, “Lessons from Rwanda: scaling up
holistic approaches to health facilities”, in Abendroth, Lisa; Bell, Bryan, Public interest
design practice guidebook : SEED methodology, case studies, and critical issues, New
York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016, pp. 167-172.
Nahimana, Evrard; Mcbain, Ryan; Manzi, Anatole; et al., “Race to the Top: evaluation

of a novel performance-based financing initiative to promote healthcare delivery in rural
Rwanda”, Global Health Action, 9, 2016, p. 32943 doi: 10.3402/gha.v9.32943.
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda; Ministry of Finance and Economic
Planning; Ministry of Health; The DHS Program, ICF International, Rwanda
demographic and health survey 2014-15 : final report, Rockville,MD/Kigali: NISR,
MOH and ICF International, 2016, 615 p.
Ndenga, E.; Uwizeye, G.; Thomson, D.; et al., “Assessing the twinning model in the
Rwandan Human Resources for Health Program: goal setting, satisfaction and perceived
skill transfer”, Globalization and Health, 12-4, 2016, DOI: 10.1186/s12992-016-0141-4
Nishimwe, Aurore; Mbarushimana, Valens; Ngenzi, Joseph Lune; Nyssen, Marc,
“Assessment of health informatics competencies in undergraduate training of healthcare
professionals in Rwanda”, Rwanda Journal Series F, 3-1, 2016, pp. 36-41.
Sayinzoga, Felix; Bijlmakers, Leon, “Drivers of improved health sector performance
in Rwanda: a qualitative view from within”, BMC Health Services Research, 16, 2016,
DOI: 10.1186/s12913-016-1351-4
Thomas, Evan, “Incentivizing Impact: Privately Financed Public Health in Rwanda”,
in Idem (ed), Broken pumps and promises: incentivizing impact in environmental health,
Cham: Springer, 2016, pp. 99-134.
Thomson, Dana; et al., “Applied statistical training to strengthen analysis and health
research capacity in Rwanda”, Health Research Policy and Systems, 14, 73, 2006, DOI:
Uwizeye, Glorieuse; Lee, Bandy; Kroll, Thilo, “Health system redesign following
sexual violence during the genocide in Rwanda”, International Journal of Public Health,
61-8, 2016, pp. 959-960.
Wang, Wenjuan; Temsah, Gheda; Carter, Emily; ICF International, Levels and
determinants of out-of-pocket health expenditures in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Liberia, Namibia, and Rwanda, DHS Analytical Studies No. 59, Rockville, MD:
ICF International, 2016, 49 p.
Wang, Wenjuan; Temsah, Gheda; Mallick, Lindsay, “The impact of health insurance
on maternal health care utilization: evidence from Ghana, Indonesia and Rwanda”,
Health Policy and Planning, 2016, p.czw135 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czw135
Woode, Maame, “Parental health shocks and schooling: The impact of mutual health
insurance in Rwanda”, Social Science & Medicine, 173, January 2017, pp. 35-47.
Woode, Maame; Bousmah, Marwân-Al-Qays; Boucekkine, Raouf, “Parental
Morbidity, Child Work, and Health Insurance in Rwanda”, Journal of Demographic
Economics, 2016, 17 p., DOI: 10.1017/dem.2016.28.
Woldemichael, Andinet; Gurara, Daniel Zerfu; Shimeles, Abebe, Community-based
health insurance and out-of-pocket healthcare spending in Africa: Evidence from
Rwanda, IZA DP No. 9922, Bonn: IZA, April 2016, 37 p.
Wong, Rex; Bradley; Mantopoulos, Jeannie, Improving hospital management capacity

in Rwanda: An example of higher education in a low income country, Bradford, UK:
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016, 77 p.
9.2 Children’s Health
Cyamatare Rwabukwisi, Felix; Hedt-Gauthier, Bethany L; Ribakare, Muhayimpundu;
et al., “Five-year Outcomes Among Children Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy in a
Community-based Accompaniment Program in Rural Rwanda”, The Pediatric Infectious
Disease Journal, 35-11, 2016, pp. 1222-1224.
Gafirimbi, Naasson ; Wong, Rex ; Adomako, Eva ; Kagwiza, Jeanne, “Lessons learned
in establishing a quality improvement project to reduce hospital acquired infections in the
neonatology ward at a referral hospital in Rwanda”, On the Horizon, 24-4, 2016, pp.
Harerimana, Jean-Modeste; Nyirazinyoye, Leatitia; Thomson, Dana; Ntaganira,
Joseph, “Social, economic and environmental risk factors for acute lower respiratory
infections among children under five years of age in Rwanda”, Archives of Public Health,
74, 2016, p. 19 doi: 10.1186/s13690-016-0132-1
Irisarri-Gutiérrez, María-José; Muñoz-Antolí, Carla; Acosta, Lucrecia; et al.,
“Hookworm-like eggs in children's faecal samples from a rural area of Rwanda”, African
Health Sciences, 16-1, 2016, pp. 83-88.
Meeks, V.; Johnson, M.; Salzman, R.; Yoon, S., “Developing an oral health care
curriculum for Rwandan primary school-aged children using the classroom teachers in a
non-traditional manner to promote life-long oral health knowledge and practices”, Annals
of Global Health, 82-3, 2016, pp. 473–510.
Mukabutera, Assumpta; Thomson, Dana; Murray, Megan; et al., “Rainfall variation
and child health: effect of rainfall on diarrhea among under 5 children in Rwanda, 2010”,
BMC Public Health, 16, 2016, p. 731. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3435-9
Mukabutera, Assumpta; Thomson, Dana; Hedt-Gauthier, Bethany; Basinga, Paulin;
Nyirazinyoye, Laetitia; Murray, Megan, “Risk factors associated with underweight status
in children under five: an analysis of the 2010 Rwanda Demographic Health Survey
(RDHS)”, BMC Nutrition, 2, 2060, DOI: 10.1186/s40795-016-0078-2
Mukakarake, Marie Goretti; et al., “Quality improvement project to increase
compliance of administration of corticosteroids and aminophylline in neonatal
department of Mibilizi District Hospital”, On the horizon, 24-4, 2016, pp. 363-368.
Ngabo, Fidele; et al., “The economic burden attributable to a child's inpatient
admission for diarrheal disease in Rwanda”, PloS one, 11-2, 2016, e0149805
Sinharoy, Sheela; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Cox, Kris; et al., “Child diarrhoea and
nutritional status in rural Rwanda: a cross-sectional study to explore contributing
environmental and demographic factors”, Tropical Medicine & International Health,
21-8, 2016, pp. 956-964.
Stulac, Sara; Chai, Jeanne; Bigirimana, Jean-Bosco; Nyishime, Merab; et al,
“Initiating Childhood Cancer Treatment in Rural Rwanda: A Partnership-Based

Approach”, Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 63-5, 2016, pp. 813–817.
9.3 Women’s health
Ahmed, Syed Masud; Rawal, Lal; Chowdhury, Sadia; et al., “Cross-country analysis
of strategies for achieving progress towards global goals for women's and children's
health”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, ! 94-5! , 2016, pp. 351-361.
Bakibinga, Pauline; Matanda, Dennis J; Ayiko, Rogers; et al., “Pregnancy history and
current use of contraception among women of reproductive age in Burundi, Kenya,
Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda: analysis of demographic and health survey data”, BMJ
Open, 6, 2016, e009991
Bahufite, A.; Simba, C.; Ntakirutimana, C.; et al, “Implementing wound dressing
protocol to reduce post cesarean section surgical site infections in Mibilizi District
Hospital, Rwanda”, On the Horizon, 24-4, 2016, pp. 369-376
Byukusenge, J.B.; Mugarura, C.; Umucyo, J.; et al., “Implementing a labor monitoring
guideline and midwives responsibilities to increase the completion rate of partograph in
Muhima Hospital, Rwanda”, On the Horizon, 24-4, 2016, pp. 335-340.
Edvardsson, Kristina; Ntaganira, Joseph; Åhman, Annika; Sengoma, Jean-Paul
Semasaka; Small, Rhonda; Mogren, Ingrid, “Physicians' experiences and views on the
role of obstetric ultrasound in rural and urban Rwanda: a qualitative study”, Tropical
Medicine & International Health, 21-7, 2016, pp. 895–906.
Gill, Michelle; Hoffman, Heather; Bobrow, Emily; et al., “Detectable Viral Load in
Late Pregnancy among Women in the Rwanda Option B+ PMTCT Program: Enrollment
Results from the Kabeho Study”, PLoS ONE,11-12, 2016, e0168671. doi:10.1371/
Gugsa, Frey; Karmarkar, Ellora; Cheyne, Andrew; Yamey, Gavin, “Newspaper
coverage of maternal health in Bangladesh, Rwanda and South Africa: a quantitative and
qualitative content analysis”, BMJ Open, 6-1, 2016, e008837
Habimana-Kabano, Ignace; Broekhuis, Annelet; Hooimeijer, Pieter, “The Effect of
Pregnancy Spacing on Fetal Survival and Neonatal Mortality in Rwanda: A Heckman
Selection Analysis”, Journal of Biosocial Science, 48-3, 2016, pp. 358-373.
Halfon, J.; Small, M.; Rulisa, S., “EP19.04: Use of ultrasound in diagnosis and
management of post-Caesarean section peritonitis at a referral hospital in Rwanda”,
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 48, S1, 2016, pp. 349–350.
Halfon, Johanna; Thielman, Nathan; Hill, Washington; Rulisa, Stephen, “Alarming
Rates of Antibiotic Resistance Among Organisms Causing Post-Cesarean Section
Peritonitis in Rwanda”, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 127, 2016, p. 86.
Kruk, Margaret; et al., “Quality of basic maternal care functions in health facilities of
five African countries: an analysis of national health system surveys”, The Lancet, 4-11,
2016, pp. e845-e855. [Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda].
Lannes, Laurence; Meessen, Bruno; Soucat, Agnes; Basinga, Paulin, “Can

performance-based financing help reaching the poor with maternal and child health
services? The experience of rural Rwanda”, The International Journal of Health
Planning and Management, 31-3, 2016, pp. 309–348.
Mivumbi, Victor; Rouse, Caroline ; Little, Sarah; Greenberg, James, “Maternal
Mortality in Rwanda”, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 127, May 2016, doi: 10.1097/01
Mukabutera, Assumpta; Nsereko, Etienne; Aline, Uwase; Umwungerimwiza, Yves;
Munyanshongore, Cyprien, ”Overweight or obesity prevalence, trends and risk factors
among women in Rwanda: A cross-sectional study using the Rwanda Demographic and
Health Surveys, 2000–2010”, Rwanda Journal Series F, 3-1, 2016, pp. 14-20.
Mwendwa, Purity, “Assessing the fit of RapidSMS for maternal and new-born health:
perspectives of community health workers in rural Rwanda”, Development in Practice,
26-1, 2016, pp. 38-51.
Nathan, Lisa; Patauli, Desire; Nsabimana, Damien; Bernstein, Peter; Rulisa, Stephen;
Goffman, Dena, “Retention of skills 2 years after completion of a postpartum hemorrhage
simulation training program in rural Rwanda”, International Journal of Gynecology &
Obstetrics,134-3, 2016, pp. 350–353
Ndayisenga, Théoneste, “Maternal and Newborn Risk Factors associated With
Neonatal Mortality in Gitwe District Hospital in Ruhango District, Rwanda”,
International Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 6-2, 2016, pp. 98-102.
Nibamureke, Adelphine; et al., “Reducing post-cesarean wound infection at Muhororo
Hospital by increasing hand hygiene practice”, On the Horizon, 24-4, 2016, pp. 357-362
Nyiratuza, A.; Hitayezu, F.; Nirere, F.; et al., “A quality improvement project to
improve the accuracy in reporting hospital acquired infections in post cesarean section
patients in a district hospital in Rwanda”, On the Horizon, 24-4, 2016, pp. 319-326.
Påfs, J.; Rulisa, S.; Musafili, A.; Essén, B.; Binder-Finnema, P., “'You try to play a role
in her pregnancy': A qualitative study on recent fathers’ perspectives about childbearing
and encounter with the maternal health system in Kigali, Rwanda”, Global Health Action,
9, 2016. DOI: 10.3402/gha.v9.31482.
Påfs, Jessica; Musafili, Aimable; Binder-Finnema, Pauline; et al., “Beyond the
numbers of maternal near-miss in Rwanda: A qualitative study on women’s perspectives
on access and experiences of care in early and late stage of pregnancy”, BMC Pregnancy
and Childbirth, 16, 2016, p. 257. DOI: 10.1186/s12884-016-1051-4
Rogo, T.; Habimana, R.; Chow, B.; McCulloh, R., “High incidence of bacteria
resistant to WHO recommended empiric antibiotics for neonatal sepsis at a tertiary level
neonatology unit in Rwanda”, Rwanda Medical Journal, 73-2, 2016, pp. 10-14.
Ruktanonchai, Corrine; Ruktanonchai, Nick; Nove, Andrea; et al., “Equality in
Maternal and Newborn Health: Modelling Geographic Disparities in Utilisation of Care
in Five East African Countries”, PLoS ONE, 11-8, 2016, e0162006. doi:10.1371/
Rulisa, S.; Rurangwa, T; Lewis, K; Small, M., “P28.12: Point of care ultrasound use
for emergency obstetric and gynecological conditions in a tertiary care hospital in

Rwanda”, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 48 2016, pp. 262-263
Rwabizi, Denis; Rulisa, Stephen; Aidan, Findlater; Small, Maria, “Maternal near miss
and mortality due to postpartum infection: a cross-sectional analysis from Rwanda”,
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 16-1, 2016, p.177. DOI: 10.1186/s12884-016-0951-7.
Rwabizi, D.; Rulisa, S.; Matabele-Bazett, L.; Small, M., “EP25.10: The “Honeycomb
sign”: prevalence of gestational trophoblastic disease in the largest tertiary centre in
Rwanda”, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 48, S1, 2016, p. 374.
Rwabufigiri, Bernard; Mukamurigo, Judith; Thomson, Dana; Hedt-Gautier, Bethany;
Semasaka, Jean, “Factors associated with postnatal care utilisation in Rwanda: A
secondary analysis of 2010 Demographic and Health Survey data”, BMC Pregnancy and
Childbirth, 2016, DOI: 10.1186/s12884-016-0913-0
Sayinzoga, Felix; Bijlmakers, Leon; van Dillen, Jeroen; et al., “Maternal death audit in
Rwanda 2009-2013: a nationwide facility-based retrospective cohort study”, BMJ Open,
6-1, 2016, e009734, DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009734
Semasaka, Jean-Paul; Krantz, Gunilla; Nzayirambaho, Manasse; et al., “Self-reported
pregnancy-related health problems and self-rated health status in Rwandan women
postpartum: a population-based cross-sectional study”, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth,
16-1, 2016, p. 340 DOI 10.1186/s12884-016-1138-y
Shah, C.; Griffith, A.; Ciera, J.; et al., “Equity and achievement in access to
contraceptives in East Africa between 2000 and 2010”, International Journal of
Gynecology and Obstetrics,133-1, 2016, pp. 53-58 [Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda,
Tanzania, Uganda]
Sun, Mengyang; Uwakunda, Carine; Landsberger, Ellen; et al., “The Scope of Use of
the WHO Partograph on Maternity Wards in Rwanda”, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 127,
2016, p. 92, DOI: 10.1097/01.AOG.0000483810.84537.35
Umubyeyi, Aline; Persson, Margareta; Mogren, Ingrid; Krantz, Gunilla, “Gender
Inequality Prevents Abused Women from Seeking Care Despite Protection Given in
Gender-Based Violence Legislation : a Qualitative Study from Rwanda”, PLoS ONE,
11-5, 2016, e0154540
Vlassoff, Michael ; Singh, Susheela ; Onda, Tsuyoshi, “The cost of post-abortion care
in developing countries: a comparative analysis of four studies”, Health Policy and
Planning, 31-8, 2016, pp. 1020-1030 [Colombia, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda]
Yalçin, Siddika; Berde, Anselm; Yalçin, Suzan, “Determinants of Exclusive Breast
Feeding in sub‐Saharan Africa: A Multilevel Approach”, Paediatric and Perinatal
Epidemiology, 30-5, 2016, pp. 439-449.
9.4 Family Planning
--, “Rwanda 2014-15”, Studies in Family Planning, 47-4, 2016, pp. 395-404.
Ali, Moazzam ; Lissner, Craig, “Rwanda 2014-15: Results from the DHS”, Studies in
Family Planning, 47-4, 2016, pp. 395-404.

Chin-Quee, Dawn; Mugeni, Cathy; Nkunda, Denis; et al., “Balancing workload,
motivation and job satisfaction in Rwanda: assessing the effect of adding family planning
service provision to community health worker duties”, Reproductive Health, 13-2, 2016,
8 p. DOI: 10.1186/s12978-015-0110-z
Dulli, L.; Eichleay, M.; Rademacher, K.; et al., “Meeting Postpartum Women’s Family
Planning Needs Through Integrated Family Planning and Immunization Services: Results
of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial in Rwanda”, Global Health: Science and
Practice, 4-1, 2016, pp. 73-86.
Muhoza, Dieudonne Ndaruhuye; Rutayisire, Pierre Claver; Umubyeyi, Aline,
“Measuring the success of family planning initiatives in Rwanda : a multivariate
decomposition analysis”, Journal of Population Research, 33-4, 2016, pp. 361-377.
Bagiruwigize, Emmanuel; Mugisha, Veronicah; Bakker, Mirjam; et al., “Does
provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling lead to higher HIV testing rate and HIV
case finding in Rwandan clinics?”, BMC Infectious Diseases, 16-1, 2016, art26, 1-9.
Balisanga, Helene; Mutagoma, Mwumvaneza; Remera, Eric; et al., “HIV surveillance
in Rwanda: readiness assessment to transition from antenatal care-based to prevention of
mother-to-child transmission program-based HIV surveillance”, International Journal of
Infectious Diseases, 52, 2016, pp. 62-67.
Bendavid, Eran ; Stauffer, David ; Remera, Eric ; et al., “Mortality along the
continuum of HIV care in Rwanda: a model-based analysis”, BMC Infectious Diseases,
16-1, 2016 Dec 1, 2016, doi: 10.1186/s12879-016-2052-7
Chaudhury, Sumona; Brown, Felicity; Kirk, Catherine; et al. “Exploring the potential
of a family-based prevention intervention to reduce alcohol use and violence within HIVaffected families in Rwanda”, Aids Care, 28-Sup. 2, pp. 118-129. doi:
Chaudhury, Sumona; Kirk, Catherine; Ingabire, Charles; et al., “HIV Status Disclosure
through Family-Based Intervention Supports Parenting and Child Mental Health in
Rwanda”, Frontiers in Public Health, 4:138, 2016, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00138
Fawzi, Mary; Ng, Lauren ; Kanyanganzi, Fredrick; et al., “Mental Health and
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2016, doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-3235
Franse, C.; Bakker, M.; Kayigamba, F.; et al., “Linkage to HIV care before and after
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facilities”, AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 2016, pp.
Gupta, Neil; Munyaburanga, Christian; Mutagoma, Mwumvaneza; Niyigena, John; et
al., “Community-Based Accompaniment Mitigates Predictors of Negative Outcomes for
Adults on Antiretroviral Therapy in Rural Rwanda”, AIDS and Behavior, 20-5, 2016, pp.

Kayigamba, Felix; Franke, Molly; Bakker, Mirjam; et al., “Discordant Treatment
Responses to Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in Rwanda: A Prospective Cohort
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Kayigamba, Felix; Van Santen, D.; Bakker, Mirjam; et al., “Does provider-initiated
HIV testing and counselling lead to higher HIV testing rate and HIV case finding in
Rwandan clinics?”, BMC Infectious Diseases, 16-26, 2016, doi: 10.1186/
Kelley, April; Hagaman, Ashley; Wall, Kristin; Karita, Etienne; et al., “Promotion of
couples’ voluntary HIV counseling and testing: a comparison of influence networks in
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Knutsson, Beniamin, “Responsible Risk Taking: The Neoliberal Biopolitics of People
Living with HIV/AIDS in Rwanda”, Development & Change, 47-4, 2016, pp. 615-639.
Mbanjumucyo, Gabin; Henwood, Patricia, “Focused assessment with sonography for
HIV-associated tuberculosis (FASH) case series from a Rwandan district hospital”,
African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 6-4, 2016, pp. 198-201.
Munyaneza, Fabien; Ntaganira, Joseph; Nyirazinyoye, Laetitia; et al., “CommunityBased Accompaniment and the Impact of Distance for HIV Patients Newly Initiated on
Antiretroviral Therapy: Early Outcomes and Clinic Visit Adherence in Rural Rwanda”,
AIDS and Behavior, Dec. 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-016-1658-5
Mutimura, E.; Shi, Q.; Hoover, D.; et al., “Bone quality assessed using quantitative
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Ndahimana, J.; J Riedel, D; Muhayimpundu, R; et al., “HIV drug resistance mutations
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21-3, 2016, pp. 253-259.
Ndahimana, Jean d'Amour; Riedel, David; Mwumvaneza, Mutagoma; et al., “Drug
resistance mutations after the first 12 months on antiretroviral therapy and determinants
of virological failure in Rwanda”, Tropical Medicine & International Health, 21-7, 2016,
pp. 928–935.
Nduwimana, Estella; Mukunzi, Sylvere; Ng, Lauren; et al., “Mental health of children
living in foster families in rural rwanda: The role of HIV and the family environment”,
AIDS and Behavior, 2016, doi:10.1007/s10461-016-1482-y
Nkejabahizi, J., “The Impact of Cultural Practices on Fighting against or for the
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Stalter, R.; Chen, M.; Uwizeye, G.; et al., “Association of sexual risk behaviour with
previous HIV testing among voluntary HIV counselling and testing clients in Kigali,
Rwanda, International Journal of STD and AIDS, 27-14, 2016, pp.1317-1325.
Staveteig, Sarah; Head, Sara; Croft, Trevor; Kampa, Kathryn; ICF International;
USAID, Factors associated with prior testing among HIV-polistive adults in SubSaharan Africa, DHS Comparative Report 43, Rockville: ICF International, 2016, 63 p.

Turinawe, Kenneth; Vandebriel, Greet; Lowrance, David; et al., “Operating
Characteristics of a Tuberculosis Screening Tool for People Living with HIV in OutPatient HIV Care and Treatment Services, Rwanda”, PLOS ONE, 11-9, 2016, e0163462
Woelk, Godfrey; Ndatimana, Dieudonne; Behan, Sally; et al., “Retention of mothers
and infants in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV programme is
associated with individual and facility-level factors in Rwanda”, Journal of the
International AIDS Society, 19-S4, 2016, pp. 5-11.
9.6 Emergency; Injury
Edgcombe, Hilary; Paton, Chris; English, Mike, “Enhancing emergency care in lowincome countries using mobile technology-based training tools”, Archives of Disease in
Childhood, 101-12, 2016, pp. 1149-1152. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-310875
Enumah, Samuel; Scott, John; Maine, Rebecca; et al., “Rwanda's Model Prehospital
Emergency Care Service: A Two-year Review of Patient Demographics and Injury
Patterns in Kigali”, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 31-6, 2016, pp. 614-620.
Kearney, Alexis; Kabeja, Lise; George, Naomi, “Development of a trauma and
emergency database in Kigali, Rwanda”, African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 6-4,
2016, pp.185-190
Kim, Woon Cho; Byiringiro, Jean Claude; Ntakiyiruta; Georges; et al., “Vital
Statistics: Estimating Injury Mortality in Kigali, Rwanda”, World Journal of Surgery,
40-1, 2016, pp. 6-13.
Mbanjumucyo, Gabin; George, Naomi; Kearney, Alexis; et al., “Epidemiology of
injuries and outcomes among trauma patients receiving prehospital care at a tertiary
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Nkurunziza, Theoneste; Gabriel Toma; Jackline Odhiambo; et al., “Referral patterns
and predictors of referral delays for patients with traumatic injuries in rural Rwanda”,
Surgery, 160-6, 2016, pp. 1636-164.
Patel, Anjni; et al., “The epidemiology of road traffic injury hotspots in Kigali,
Rwanda from police data”, BioMed Central, 2-8-2016, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-3359-4
9.7 Oncology
DeBoer, R.; Driscoll, C.; Butera, Y.; Bigirimana, J.; et al., “Report on the Treatment of
Hodgkin Lymphoma With ABVD Chemotherapy at Two Rural District Hospitals in
Rwanda”, Journal of Global Oncology, 2-3, 2016, pp. 67-9. DOI: 10.1200/JGO.
Kamanzi, J.-B.; Adeduntan, R.; Antoni, D.; et al., “Implementing radiotherapy in
Africa: Focus on the needs in Rwanda”, Cancer/Radiothérapie, 20-3, 2016, pp. 231-235.
Ntizimira, R.; Ngizwenayo, S.; Dunne, M.; et al., “Addressing End-of-Life Care in
Cancer Patients through “Ubuntu”: Lessons Learned from Rwanda in Global Health

Perspective of Humanity”, Current Obstetrics And Gynecology Reports, 5-4, 2016, pp.
Pace, Lydia; Dusengimana, Jean-Marie; Hategekimana, Vedaste; et al., “Benign and
Malignant Breast Disease at Rwanda's First Public Cancer Referral Center”, The
Oncologist, 21-5, 2016, pp 571-575.
Shyirambere, C.; Xu, M.; Elmore, S.; et al., “Treating Nephroblastoma in Rwanda:
Using International Society of Pediatric Oncology Guidelines in a Novel Oncologic Care
Model”, Journal of Global Oncology, 2-3, 2016, pp. 105-113.
Silverstein, A.; Mugenzi, P.; Lule J.; et al, “Barriers to expansion of cancer research:
Data collection challenges at a single-institution in Rwanda”, Journal of Cancer Policy,
7, 2016, pp. 1-3.
Tapela, Neo; et al., “Pursuing equity in cancer care: implementation, challenges and
preliminary findings of a public cancer referral center in rural Rwanda”, BMC Cancer,
16, 2016, p. 237 DOI: 10.1186/s12885-016-2256-7
Thornton, Jacqui, “A lifeline for cancer patients in Africa”, Nursing Standard, 30-27,
2016, pp 22-23.
Uwizeye, F.; Driscoll, D.; Park, P.; et al., “Risk factors for loss to follow-up and
treatment abandonment in adult cancer patients at the Butaro Cancer Center of
Excellence in Rural Rwanda”, Annals of Global Health, 82-3, 2016, pp. 414-8 DOI:
9.8 Surgery
De Smedt, Stefan; Fonteyne, Yannick; Muragijimana, Felicienne; et al., “Glaucoma
Surgery Outcome in Rwanda”, Journal of Glaucoma, 25-8, 2016, pp. 698-703.
Linden, Allison; Maine, Rebecca; Hedt-Gauthier, Bethany; et al., “Validation of a
community-based survey assessing nonobstetric surgical conditions in Burera District,
Rwanda”, Surgery, 159-4, 2016, pp. 1217-1226.
Muhirwa, Ernest; Habiyakare, Caste; Hedt-Gauthier, Bethany; et al., “Non-Obstetric
Surgical Care at Three Rural District Hospitals in Rwanda: More Human Capacity and
Surgical Equipment May Increase Operative Care”, World Journal of Surgery, 40-9,
2016, pp. 2109-2116.
Nkusi, Agabe; Muneza, Sévérien; Hakizimana, David; et al., “Missed or Delayed
Cervical Spine or Spinal Cord Injuries Treated at a Tertiary Referral Hospital in
Rwanda”, World Neurosurgery, 87, 2016, pp. 269-276.
Rickard, Jennifer; Ntakiyiruta, Georges; Chu, Kathryn, “Associations with
Perioperative Mortality Rate at a Major Referral Hospital in Rwanda”, World Journal of
Surgery, 40-4, 2016, pp. 784-790.
Silverstein, Allison; Costas-Chavarri, Ainhoa; Gakwaya, Mussa; et al., “Laparoscopic
Versus Open Cholecystectomy: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis at Rwanda Military
Hospital”, World Journal of Surgery, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s00268-016-3851-0

9.9 Mental Health
Binagwaho, Agnes; Fawzi, Mary Smith; Agbonyito, Mawuena; et al., “Validating the
Children’s Depression Inventory in the context of Rwanda”, BMC Pediatrics, 2016, DOI:
Caserta, Tehetna Alemu; Pirttilä-Backman, Anna-Maija; Punamäki, Raija-Leena,
“Stigma, marginalization and psychosocial well-being of orphans in Rwanda: exploring
the mediation role of social support”, AIDS Care, 28-6, 2016, pp. 736-744.
Mahr, Ines-Lenal Campbell, Catherine, “Twenty years post-genocide: the creation of
mental health competence among Rwandan survivors through community-based healing
workshops”, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 26-4, 2016, pp.
Mukeshimana, Madeleine; Mchunu, Gugu, “The co-morbidity of depression and other
chronic non-communicable diseases: a review of literature on the epidemiology,
diagnosis and health effects”, Rwanda Journal Series F, 3-1, 2016, pp. 44-50.
Neugebauer, R.; Forde; Fodor, K.; Fisher, P.; Turner, J.; Stehling-Ariza, T.; Yamabe,
S., “Are Children or Adolescents More at Risk for Posttraumatic Stress Reactions
Following Exposure to Violence?: Evidence From Post-Genocide Rwanda”, Journal of
Nervous and Mental Disease, 2016 DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000582
Ng, L.; Harerimana, B., “Mental health care in post-genocide Rwanda: evaluation of a
program specializing in posttraumatic stress disorder and substance abuse”, Global
Mental Health, 3, 2016, e18. DOI:
Schierenbeck, Isabell; Johansson, Peter; Andersson, Lena, “Collaboration or
renunciation? The role of traditional medicine in mental health care in Rwanda and
Eastern Cape Province, South Africa”, Global Public Health, 10/2016, 14 p. DOI:
Toussaint, Loren; Kalayjian, Ani; Herman, Kaley; et al., “Traumatic Stress Symptoms,
Forgiveness, and Meaning in Life in Four Traumatized Regions of the World”,
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 2016, DOI:
Umubyeyi, Aline; Mogren, Ingrid; Ntaganira, Joseph; et al., “Help-seeking
behaviours, barriers to care and self-efficacy for seeking mental health care: a populationbased study in Rwanda”, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 55-1, 2016,
pp. 81-92.
9.10 Nursing
Buswell, Lori; Umuhizi, Denis; Hategekimana, Vedaste; et al., “Voices of Hope From
Rural Rwanda: Three Oncology Nurse Leaders Emerge”, Oncology Nursing Forum,
43-5, 2016, pp. 661-664.
Habimana, Amos; Tuyizere, Malachie; Uwajeneza, Pauline, “Clinical supervision of
nursing students: challenges and alternatives”, Rwanda Journal Series F, 3-1, 2016, pp.

Mukamana, Donatilla; Karonkano, Gilbert Rutayisire; Rosa, William, “Advancing
Perioperative Nursing in Rwanda Through Global Partnerships and Collaboration: Global
perspectives” Association of Operating Room Nurses: AORN Journal, 104-6, 2016, pp.
Shahidi, Timothée; Nkosi, Zethu; Masango, Thembekile, “Structural and process
analysis of a Rwandan ICU setting in promoting quality care”, Africa Journal of Nursing
and Midwifery, 18-2, 2016, pp. 103-118.
Thuss, M.; Babenko-Mould, Y.; Andrusyszyn, M.-A.; Laschinger, H.K.S., “Nursing
Clinical Instructor Experiences of Empowerment in Rwanda: Applying Kanter's and
Spreitzer's Theories”, International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 13-1,
2016, pp. 1-9.
Ufashingabire, Christine; Nsereko, Etienne; Njunwa, Kato; Brysiewicz, Petra,
“Knowledge and attitudes of nurses regarding pain in the intensive care unit patients in
Rwanda”, Rwanda Journal Series F, 3-1, 2016, pp. 21-26.
Ufitinema, Yvonne; Wong, Rex; Adomako, Eva; et al., “Increasing patient medical
record completion by assigning nurses to specific patients in maternity ward at Munini
hospital”, On the Horizon, 24-4, 2016, pp. 327-334.
9.11 Pharmacy
Chandani, Yasmin; Duffy, Malia; Lamphere, Barbara; et al., “Quality improvement
practices to institutionalize supply chain best practices for iCCM: Evidence from Rwanda
and Malawi”, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2016,
Ingabire, Goretti; Ndagijimana, Andre; Mukazayire, Marie; et al., “Quantitative
Analysis of Acteoside in Batankor Syrup and Plantago lanceolata L. Collected from
Different Areas of Rwanda by HPLC and UV-Vis Spectrophotometric Methods”, British
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 11-6, 2016, Article no.BJPR.25437, 8 p.
Kadima, Justin ; Nyandwi, Jean ; Kayitana, Carole; et al., “Assessing Pharmaceutical
Equivalence of Generic Antibiotics Using in vitro Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Some
Hospital Strains in Rwanda”, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 15-1,
2016, 8 p. DOI: 10.9734/BJMMR/2016/25137
Smart, Victoria; McCarthy, Julie, “An opioids training workshop in Rwanda:
collaborating with pharmacists for positive change”, The European Journal of Palliative
Care, 23-3, 2016, pp 143-145.
9.12 Vaccination
Andersson, Maria; Kabayiza, Jean-Claude; Lindh, Magnus, “Comparison of rotavirus
frequency and genotype distribution in Rwanda before and after vaccine introduction”,
Journal of Clinical Virology, 82- Supplement, 2016, p. 63 DOI:

Franceschi, Silvia; Umulisa, Chantal; Tshomo, Ugyen; et al., “Urine testing to monitor
the impact of HPV vaccination in Bhutan and Rwanda”, International Journal of Cancer,
139-3, 2016, pp. 518-526.
Gatera, Maurice; Bhatt, Sunil; Ngabo, Fidele; et al., “Successive introduction of four
new vaccines in Rwanda: High coverage and rapid scale up of Rwanda's expanded
immunization program from 2009 to 2013”, Vaccine, 34-29, 2016, pp. 3420-3426
Gatera, Maurice; Uwimana, Jeannine; Manzi, Emmanuel; et al., “Use of
administrative records to assess pneumococcal conjugate vaccine impact on pediatric
meningitis and pneumonia hospitalizations in Rwanda”, Vaccine, 34-44, 2016, pp.
Ngabo, Fidele; et al., “Human papillomavirus infection in Rwanda at the moment of
implementation of a national HPV vaccination programme” BMC Infectious Diseases,
16-1, 2016, DOI: 10.1186/s12879-016-1539-6
Ngabo, Fidele; Tate, Jacqueline; Gatera, Maurice; et al., “Effect of pentavalent
rotavirus vaccine introduction on hospital admissions for diarrhoea and rotavirus in
children in Rwanda: A time-series analysis”, The Lancet Global Health, 4-2, 2006, pp.
Rurangwa, Janvier; Rujeni, Nadine, “Decline in Child Hospitalization and Mortality
After the Introduction of the 7-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugative Vaccine in Rwanda”,
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 95-3, 2016, pp. 680-684
Seruyange, Eric; Gahutu, Jean-Bosco; Mambo Muvunyi, Claude; et al., “Measles
seroprevalence, outbreaks, and vaccine coverage in Rwanda”, Infectious Diseases,
48-11/12, pp. 800-807
Sood, Suruchi; Klassen, Ann; Cronin, Carmen; et al., “Looking Back and Planning
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Tate, Jacqueline E; Ngabo, Fidele; Donnen, Philippe; et al., “Effectiveness of
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introduction in Rwanda: Impacts on the broader health system”, Sexual & Reproductive
Healthcare, 7, 2016, pp. 46-51.
9.13 Malaria
Bizimana, Jean-Pierre; Kienberger, Stefan; Hagenlocher, Michael; et al., “Modelling
homogeneous regions of social vulnerability to malaria in Rwanda”, Geospatial Health,
11-1 Suppl., 2016, 18 p.
Colón-González, F.; Tompkins, A.; Biondi, R; Bizimana, J.; Namanya, D., “Assessing
the effects of air temperature and rainfall on malaria incidence: an epidemiological study

across Rwanda and Uganda”, Geospatial Health, 11-1-Supp., 2016, pp. 379-387.
Habimana, Amos; Harerimana, Alexis; Asingizwe, Domina; Nyandwi, Theogene;
Njunwa, Kato, “Community Health Workers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices about
malaria prevention in Gicumbi District, Rwanda”, Rwanda Journal Series F, 3-1, 2016,
pp. 27-35.
Hakizimana, Emmanuel; Vugt, Michele; Borne, Bart Den; et al., “Using an
intervention mapping approach for planning, implementing and assessing a communityled project towards malaria elimination in the Eastern Province of Rwanda”, Malaria
Journal, 15-1, 2016, art. 594, 12 p.
Hakizimana, Emmanuel; Karema, Corine; Munyakanage, Dunia; et al., “Susceptibility
of Anopheles gambiae to insecticides used for malaria vector control in Rwanda”,
Malaria Journal, 15-1, 2016, DOI: 10.1186/s12936-016-1618-6
Ingabire, Chantal; Kateera, Fredrick; Hakizimana, Emmanuel; et al., “Determinants of
prompt and adequate care among presumed malaria cases in a community in eastern
Rwanda: a cross sectional study”, Malaria Journal, 15, 2016, p. 227 DOI: 10.1186/
Kateera, Fredrick; Nsobya, Sam; Tukwasibwe, Steven; et al., “Molecular surveillance
of Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance markers reveals partial recovery of
chloroquine susceptibility but sustained sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance at two
sites of different malaria transmission intensities in Rwanda”, Acta Tropica, 164, 2016,
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Kateera, Fredrick; Nsobya, Sam; Tukwasibwe, Stephen; et al., “Malaria case clinical
profiles and Plasmodium falciparum parasite genetic diversity: a cross sectional survey at
two sites of different malaria transmission intensities in Rwanda”, Malaria Journal, 15,
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Kaur, Harparkash; Clarke, Sian; Lalani, Mirza; et al., “Fake anti-malarials: start with
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Sifft, Kevin; Geus, Dominik; Mukampunga, Caritas; et al., “Asymptomatic only at
first sight: malaria infection among schoolchildren in highland Rwanda”, Malaria
journal, 15-1, 2016, pp. 553-556.
US Department of State, US Agency for International Development, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, President’s Malaria Initiative, Rwanda: Malaria
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9. 14 Varia (Public Health)
Bizimana, Thomas; Kayumba, Pierre Claver; Védaste, Kagisha; Egide, Kayitare;
Kaale, Eliangiringa, “Development of high performance thin layer chromatography for

simultaneous analysis of lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate”, Rwanda Journal
Series F, 3-1, 2016, pp. 6-10
Budd, April; Lukas, Stephanie; Hogan, Unarose; et al., “A Case Study and the Lessons
Learned from In-House Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer Production in a District Hospital
in Rwanda”, Journal of Service Science and Management, 9-2, 2016, pp. 150-159.
Carroll. M.; Rangaiahagari, A.; Musabeyezu, E; Singer, D.; Ogbuagu, O., “Five-Year
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Trends Among Bacterial Isolates from a Tertiary HealthCare Facility in Kigali, Rwanda”, The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene, 95-6, 2016, pp. 1277-1283.
Chan, Denise; Wong, Rex; Runnels, Sean; et al., “Factors Influencing the Choice of
Anesthesia as a Career by Undergraduates of the University of Rwanda”, Anesthesia &
Analgesia, 123, no. 2, (2016): 481-487
De Baetselier, I.; Mwambarangwe, L.; Cuylaerts, V.; et al., “Evaluation of an
enzymatic Chlamydia trachomatis point-of-care rapid assay in Rwanda: the
BioChekSwab Rapid Test”, Sexually Transmitted Infections, 92-6, 2016, pp. 430-432
Habarugira, Gervais; Mbasinga, Gloria; Mushonga, Borden; et al., “Pathological
findings of condemned bovine liver specimens and associated economic loss at
Nyabugogo abattoir, Kigali, Rwanda”, Acta Tropica, 164-Suppl. 1, 2016, pp. 27-32.
Henwood, Patricia; Mackenzie, David; Rempell, Joshua; et al., “Intensive point-ofcare ultrasound training with long-term follow-up in a cohort of Rwandan physicians”,
Tropical Medicine & International Health, 21-12, 2016, pp. 1531-1538.
Holmen, I; et al., “Improving hand hygiene at a district hospital in rural Rwanda”,
Annals of Global Health, 82-3, 2016, pp. 363-364.
Holmen, Ian; et al., “Improving Hand Hygiene Practices in a Rural Hospital in SubSaharan Africa”, Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 37-7, 2016, pp. 834-839.
Kangmennaang, Joseph; Osei, Lydia; Mkandawire, Paul; Luginaah, Isaac,
“Circumcision Status and Time to Sexual Debut Among Youth in Sub-Saharan Africa:
Evidence from Six Demographic and Health Surveys”, AIDS and Behavior, 20-11, 2016,
pp. 2514-2528.
Kurz, M.; Bayingana, C.; Ndoli, J.; et al., “Intense pre-admission carriage and further
acquisition of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae among patients and their caregivers in
a tertiary hospital in Rwanda”, Tropical Medicine & International Health, 2016, DOI:
Marshall, Sara; Edidin, Deborah; Arena, Vincent; et al., “Mortality and natural
progression of type 1 diabetes patients enrolled in the Rwanda LFAC program from 2004
to 2012”, International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries, 3, 2016, DOI:
Mukasahaha, Diane; Muhimpundu, Marie-Aimée; Tayari, Jean-Claude, “C07-C
Integrating Palliative Care in Health System in Developing Countries: Case (Example) of
Rwanda”, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 52-6, 2016, e24-e25.
Mushumba. H.; Krebs. O.; Jopp-van Well, E.; et al., “Forensic anthropological

examination and DNA analysis in the identification of human remains in Rwanda”,
Rwanda Medical Journal, 73-1, 2016, pp. 17-23.
Mutagoma, Mwumvaneza; Remera, Eric; Sebuhoro, Dieudonné; et al., “The
Prevalence of Syphilis Infection and Its Associated Factors in the General Population of
Rwanda: A National Household-Based Survey”, Journal of Sexually Transmitted
Diseases, Volume 2016, Article ID 4980417, 8 p. doi: 10.1155/2016/4980417
Ndayizeye, Leonard; Ngarambe, Christian; Smart, Blair; et al., “Peritonitis in
Rwanda: Epidemiology and risk factors for morbidity and mortality”, Surgery, 160, 6,
2016, pp. 1645-1656.
Ngabonziza, Jean-Claude Semuto; Ssengooba, Willy; Mutua, Florence; et al.,
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