Fiche du document numéro 17867

Tuesday May 17, 1994
To: FC - Subject: Meeting between HAC - Operations Officer of the RGF - Chef du Cabinet in Presence of Rwandan Media
Nom cité
Nom cité
Nom cité
Nom cité
Nom cité
Case No: ICTR-98-41-T Exhibit No: DB 291 Date admitted: 23-11-2205 Tendered by: Defence Name of witness: MacNeil
Fonds d'archives
Procès-verbal de réunion

To: FC

From: CHO
Date: 17 Hay 1994

1. The above mentioned impromptu meeting was held between 1030
hrs and 1200 hrs 17 May, 1994 at the Diplomat Hotel in Kigali.
In attendance were the following persons:

a. Colonel Yaache, CHO;

b. Colonel Bagosora, le Chef du Cabinet;

c. Colonel Gasake, Acting G3 RGF ;

d. Media representatives of Radio Rwanda and the Ministry
of Defence;

e. Major Pajik, and

f. Major MacNeil.


2. The aim of the meeting was to explain to the Chef du Cabinet
why the planned evacuation of the orphans of Gisimba and Gitega
did not take place as planned at 0900 hrs 17 May, 1994.

3. Colonel Yaache introduced himself to the Chef du Cabinet and
to the acting G3 of the RGF and reviewed action on the operation
to date. He explained that there had been three meetings and he
emphasized that at the last meeting with the youth leaders of the
INTERAHAMWE and the militia, it was evident from the concerns
they had raised that the evacuation had to be postponed for the
safety of the children.

4. It was necessary for Colonel Yaache to explain the concerns
of the leadership elements present during the meeting the
previous day, as it was evident that the Chef du Cabinet was not
aware of them.

5. Colonel Yaache explained that the concerns raised by the
INTERAHAMWE and the youth leaders of the militia included the

a. They insisted that there was a necessity for them to
move through RPF lines and make physical contact with
their elements in the area of the airport to ensure
the safe passage of the orphans.

b. They were concerned that the RPF would take advantage
of the occasion to launch an offensive.

c, They were skeptical about the reasons for the
selection of these two orphanages when there were
others that were overlooked.

d. They felt that there was a concerted effort to nmpty
the RGF controlled area of Kigali of Tutsis thereby
allowing the RPF to lay siege on the city.

6. With these concerns raised by the leadership elements during
the previous meeting, Colonel Yaache explained that there was
more than enough controversy over the operation to conclude that
it could be successfully executed and consequently it was agreed
to keep the plan "on the shelf" until negotiations could be
completed with the RPF. He stressed that getting the RPF to
agree to allow INTERAHAMWE leadership elements into areas under
their control would not be negotiation that could easily be

7. The Chef du Cabinet was in agreement with Colonel Yaache on
the reasons as to why the decision to cancel the operation was
taken but stressed that in his opinion, he could not understand
why the two parties could not agree on the conduct of the
exercise. He went on to add that race had nothing to do with
this operation as these children were orphans.

8. The Chef du Cabinet agreed with the point raised by the
youth leaders concerning the requirement for them to make
physical contact with elements near the airport. He indicated
that safety would not be possible without this requirement being
met. As to the concern of the choice of these two orphanages,
he indicated that the government chose them as they were the only
two in the Kigali area. He went on to say that the issue of
displaced persons in Rwanda was a priority and that this
evacuation was the first phase in preparation for the transfer
of the displaced from places of hiding and from larger displaced
camps in areas under the control of both opposing forces.

9. The Chef du Cabinet went on to stress the point that the
Rwandan Government wished for this evacuation to take place and
that if it didn't it would be the fault of the RPF and not the
Rwandese Government.

10. Colonel Yaache asked whether the demand of the youth
leadership for a ceasefire was still binding.
The Chef du Cabinet replied that a ceasefire was an obvious requirement as
they could not move orphans through a firefight.

11. The Chef du Cabinet offered some suggestions to facilitate
the passage of the youth leaders. He indicated that the leaders
of the RPF were known to them and that before the hostilities
they had dined together. He therefore suggested that the RPF be
invited to participate in the movement through the RPF held area
at the same time as the leadership of the militias and UNAMIR so
as to represent a joint effort for the operation. He went on to
add that there would only be three or four representatives of the
youth groups to move through the RPF held areas.

12. The Chef du Cabinet ended his portion of the discussion
indicating that the Rwandese Government was committed to allowing
freedom of movement to its citizens. He indicated that he
understood that negotiation was necessary with the RPF and that
it was UNAMIR's responsibility to do this. He also indicated
that the media should be present during the operation. He closed
by saying that they were ready to conduct the operation and that
should agreement be reached then a notice of 24 hours would be
all that would be required.

13. Colonel Yaache agreed to pursue discussions with the FC and
with the RPF and indicated that once agreement was reached then
a further meeting with the leadership elements of the INTERAHAMWE
and militia would be required. The Chef du Cabinet replied that
there was no need for any further meetings.

14. The Rwandese media as well as the media of the Ministry of
Defence then put forward a question to Colonel Yaache as to why
the Rwandese media should not be invited to cover this type of
event. Colonel Yaache indicated that in his view he saw no
problem with the media being present but it was not within his
authority to grant such a request.

15. Upon leaving the Rwandese media asked if it was possible for
them to interview Dr Kabia. HAC told them their request would
be passed on to UNAMIR HQ.

D.J. MacNeil
for CHO

fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024