Fiche du document numéro 10277

Dimanche 1er juin 2014
International Decision-Making in the Age of Genocide: Rwanda 1990-1994 (conf. agenda & participants)
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Transcript Annex I
Conference Agenda
Sunday, June 1
 Informal discussion.
Monday, June 2: Failure to Prevent
9:30 am – 12:30 pm: Working Session 1
“Peacemakers and Peacekeepers: The Promise and Perils of Arusha, 1990-1993”
 Background to Arusha, e.g. Mitterrand’s La Baule speech, June 6, 1990;
introduction of multi-party system; RPF invasion of October 1, 1990
 Political negotiations (July 1992-January 1993)
 Massacres of Tutsi and RPF offensive of February 8, 1993
 Military negotiations in Arusha, signing of Arusha agreements, August 1993
 Conversation between “Peacemakers” and “Peacekeepers”
2:00pm – 5:00 pm: Working Session 2
“The Failed Peace: October 1993-April 1994”
 UNSC vote to authorize peacekeeping mission in Rwanda, October 5, 1993
 Assassination of Burundi president Melchior Ndadaye (October 21, 1993)
and the arrival of UNAMIR in Kigali
 Jean-Pierre warning, January 10, 1994
 Belgian call for a strengthening of UNAMIR, February 25, 1994
 Shoot down of Habyarimana plane, killing of Belgian peacekeepers, and
beginning of the genocide, April 6-11, 1994
Tuesday, June 3: Failure to Prevent
9:30 am – 12:30 pm: Working Session 3
“Inside the UN Security Council, April –July 1994”
 What did we know and when did we know it?
 The UNAMIR withdrawal decision, April 11-21, 1994
 Debating the “G-word”, April 21-May 5, 1994
 Ending the genocide, May 15-July 18, 1994
 Operation Turquoise and the victory of the RPF
 Unresolved mysteries and controversies
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm: Working Session 4
“Lessons from Rwanda”

Conference Participants
(Unless otherwise stated, positions are those held in 1990-1994)

Major-General Henry Anyidoho, Deputy UNAMIR Force commander

Michael Barnett, Political Officer at US Mission to United Nations

Jean-Christophe Belliard, French observer in Arusha, currently director of
African Affairs at the French Foreign Ministry

Dr. Jean Damascène Bizimana, Rwandan senator, 2014

Dr. Jean-Hervé Bradol, Médecins sans Frontiéres representative in Rwanda

Colette Braeckman, Africa specialist for Belgian newspaper Le Soir

Prudence Bushnell, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs in
the US State Department

Jean-Philippe Ceppi, reporter for Libération and Swiss radio

Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire, UNAMIR Force Commander

Jean-Marc Rochereau de La Sabliere, director of Africa Bureau at French
foreign ministry

Ibrahim Gambari, Nigerian representative on the UN Security Council, and
President of the Council in May 1994.

Dr. James Gasana, Minister of Defense of Rwanda, 1992-1993

André Guichaoua, French sociologist and author

Lord David Hannay, UK permanent representative on the UN Security

Faustin Kagamé, communications advisor to Rwandan President Paul
Kagame, 2014

Colin Keating, New Zealand representative on the UN Security Council, and
President of the Council in April 1994

Karel Kovanda, Czech representative on the UN Security Council, and
President of the Council in January 1994

Joyce Leader, Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Kigali

Patrick Mazimhaka, Vice-Chairman of the Rwandan Patriotic Front

Linda Melvern, British investigative journalist and author

Edward Mortimer, Chief Program Advisor to the Salzburg Global Seminar

Ami Mpunge, Tanzanian facilitator to the Arusha peace process


Monique Mujawamariya, Rwandan human rights activist

Charles Murigande, Washington representative of the Rwandan Patriotic

Jean-Marie Vianney Ndagijimana, Rwandan ambassador to Paris

Bacre Ndiaye, Special UN Rapporteur

Venuste Nshimiyimana, UNAMIR press office.

Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, Special Representative of the UN SecretaryGeneral in Burundi

Filip Reyntjens, Belgian scholar and author

Iqbal Riza, Assistant Secretary-General in the Department of Peacekeeping
Operations at the UN

David Scheffer, senior advisor to US Representative to the UN, Madeleine

John Shattuck, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights,
and Labor

Johan Swinnen, Belgian ambassador to Rwanda

Hubert Védrine, Secretary-General of the French presidency

Don Webster, lead prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda,

Conference Staff

Michael Abramowitz, Director of the Levine Institute for Holocaust
Education, US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Mark Bailey, Special Assistant to the President at The Hague Institute for
Global Justice
Tom Blanton, Director of the National Security Archive
Michael Dobbs, Senior Advisor to the Simon-Skjodt Center for the
Prevention of Genocide at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Nadia Ficara, Director of Donor Travel Programs and the VIP Speakers
Bureau at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Cameron Hudson, Director of the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of
Genocide at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Marie-Laure Poiré, Manager for Events and Communications at The Hague
Institute for Global Justice
Kristin Scalzo, Research Assistant at the Simon-Skjodt Center for the
Prevention of Genocide at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Emily Willard, Research Associate at the National Security Archive
Abiodun Williams, President of The Hague Institute for Global Justice


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