Documents pour Nom cité : Malecela, John

1 à 16 de 16 documents sélectionnés

Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
D T 31965 March 2, 1993 Rwandan peace talks to resume in Dar es Salaam AFP
D T 31967 March 2, 1993 Rwanda talks postponed to Friday AFP
D T 28961 March 4, 1993 Rwandan negotiators arrive for contact meeting AFP
D T 32420 March 7, 1993 Bisanga, Hamidu Rwandan government and rebels agree to end fighting AFP
D T 32748 June 8, 1993 Rwandan peace negotiators want extention of talks period AFP
D T 32914 October 24, 1993 Ntiranyuhura, Damien Anti-junta protest in Bujumbura as parties call general strike AFP
D T 32915 October 24, 1993 Bujumbura [Diplomats saying the alleged coup plotters were all members of the Tutsi ethnic group] AFP
D T 33003 October 25, 1993 At least 50,000 Burundian refugees enter Tanzania AFP
D T 33099 October 28, 1993 Bujumbura [Tanzania confronted by a massive flow of Burundian refugees] AFP
D T 33100 October 28, 1993 Bujumbura [Another meeting on Burundi took place in neighboring Rwanda] AFP
D T 33101 October 28, 1993 Regional leaders meet to discuss Burundi crisis AFP
D T 33235 October 29, 1993 Red Cross official calls Burundi's war "medieval" AFP
D T 33242 October 30, 1993 OAU secretary general expected in Burundi AFP
D T 33243 October 30, 1993 Rwanda declines to send Burundi peacekeepers, ministers on tour AFP
D 25244 May 5, 1994 Rwandese Peace Meeting
D T 33539 11 mai 1994 Lafargue, François Note - "Région des grands lacs africains : risque d'extension régionale du conflit rwandais" SGDN

fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024