Documents for Quoted name : Duwiha, Bakana Fulgence

1 to 6 of 6 selected documents

Warning: the documents checked in column G express the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.
Doc G Card Date Author Title Source
D T * 24851 26 octobre 1993 Transcription de RTLM 26 octobre 1993 [fr + kr] RTLM
D T 33013 October 26, 1993 Thousands demonstrate in Burundi AFP
D T 33019 October 27, 1993 U.N. envoy due in Burundi AFP
D T 33020 October 27, 1993 Thomas, Annie Kigali [Special U.N. envoy James Jonah arrived in troubled Burundi] AFP
D T 33022 October 27, 1993 Kigali [Minani called for foreign intervention "to end the massacre" of Hutus] AFP
D T 33098 October 28, 1993 Ntiranyuhura, Damien Political settlement sought after coup committee is scrapped AFP

fgtquery v.1.9, February 9, 2024