Documents for Keyword : Accord France-FPR

1 to 3 of 3 selected documents

Warning: the documents checked in column G express the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.
Doc G Card Date Author Title Source
D T 27199 29 juin 1994 Fritscher, Frédéric Le Front patriotique rwandais assouplit sa position envers Paris Le Monde
D T 9456 July 7, 1994 Kiley, Sam Rwandan Rebels Vow To Honour 'safe Zone' The Times
D T 9517 August 22, 1994 Kiley, Sam France Intervened In Rwanda To Curb Anglo-Saxon Axis - Rwanda The Times

fgtquery v.1.9, February 9, 2024