Source : The Independant

1 to 9 of 9 selected documents

Warning: the documents checked in column G express the ideology of the perpetrators of the genocide against the Tutsi or show tolerance towards it.
Doc G Card Date Author Title Source
D T 15946 April 8, 1994 Block, Robert Two countries linked by ethnic bloodletting: Rivalry between Hutu and Tutsi, who live in both Rwanda and Burundi, is behind the incessant violence, writes Robert Block The Independant
D T 27241 April 8, 1994 Nsengiyaremye, Thaddee Hundreds die as tribal violence sweeps Rwanda: 11 Belgian troops killed after downing of presidents' aircraft The Independant
D T 31556 26 mai 1994 Interview de M. François Mitterrand, Président de la République, adressé à "The Independent", "El Païs", "La Repubblica", "Suddeutsche Zeitung" et "Le Nouvel Observateur" le 26 mai 1994, notamment sur l'Union européenne, son élargissement, le conflit yougoslave et le bilan de treize ans de socialisme en France The Independant
D T 15942 July 3, 1994 Block, Robert Pattern of slaughter confounds French The Independant
D T 15948 July 4, 1994 Block, Robert Entire city flees the Rwandan rebels: Robert Block describes the desperate exodus from the crumbling government stronghold of Butare The Independant
D T 15940 July 15, 1994 Block, Robert RPF's PM-designate returns to Rwanda The Independant
D T 15937 July 19, 1994 Block, Robert Millions flee Rwanda as RPF claims victory The Independant
D T 15925 December 27, 1994 Block, Robert Town founded on genocide licks its latest wounds The Independant
D T 23682 April 2, 2004 Walsh, Declan Digging deep: the British brothers who are building hope in Rwanda The Independant

fgtquery v.1.9, February 9, 2024