Source : Journal of Genocide Research

1 à 15 de 15 documents sélectionnés

Attention : les documents cochés dans la colonne G expriment l'idéologie des auteurs du génocide contre les Tutsi ou se montrent tolérants à son égard
Doc G Fiche Date Auteur Titre Source
D 26202 1999 Drumbl, Mark A. Sobriety in a post‐genocidal society: Good neighborliness among victims and aggressors in Rwanda? Journal of Genocide Research
D 26214 1999 Sharlach, Lisa Gender and genocide in Rwanda: Women as agents and objects of Genocide Journal of Genocide Research
D T 34467 2000 Adelman, Howard Rwanda revisited: in search for lessons Journal of Genocide Research
D 26196 2004 Li, Darryl Echoes of violence: considerations on radio and genocide in Rwanda Journal of Genocide Research
D 26174 March 2004 Longman, Timothy Placing genocide in context: research priorities for the Rwandan genocide Journal of Genocide Research
D 26206 March 2004 Fujii, Lee Ann Transforming the moral landscape: the diffusion of a genocidal norm in Rwanda Journal of Genocide Research
D 26186 March 2007 Rose, Laurel L. Land and genocide: exploring the connections with Rwanda's prisoners and prison officials Journal of Genocide Research
D 26183 2009 Eltringham, Nigel “We are not a Truth Commission”: fragmented narratives and the historical record at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Journal of Genocide Research
D 26135 March 2009 Waldorf, Lars Revisiting Hotel Rwanda: genocide ideology, reconciliation, and rescuers Journal of Genocide Research
D 25140 March 2009 Buckley-Zistel, Susanne Nation, narration, uni?cation? The politics of history teaching after the Rwandan genocide Journal of Genocide Research
D 26187 March 2009 Mclean-Hilker, Lyndsay Everyday ethnicities : identity and reconciliation among Rwanda youth Journal of Genocide Research
D 26212 March 2009 Zorbas, Eugenia What does reconciliation after genocide mean? Public transcripts and hidden transcripts in post-genocide Rwanda Journal of Genocide Research
D T * 34449 January 2020 McDoom, Omar Shahabudin Contested Counting: Toward a Rigorous Estimate of the Death Toll in the Rwandan Genocide Journal of Genocide Research
D T 25769 January 2020 Verpoorten, Marijke How Many Died in Rwanda? Journal of Genocide Research
D T 30180 May 2022 Mukwiza Ndahinda, Felix Streaming Hate: Exploring the Harm of AntiBanyamulenge and Anti-Tutsi Hate Speech on Congolese Social Media Journal of Genocide Research

fgtquery v.1.9, 9 février 2024