1 to 5 of 5 selected documents
Doc | G | Card | Date | Author | Title | Source |
D T | 32766 | January 17, 1995 | South Africa sold weapons to Lebanese Christian militia: report | AFP | ||
D T | 32767 | January 17, 1995 | UN seeks 1.4 billion dollars aid money for Rwanda | AFP | ||
D T | 32768 | January 17, 1995 | Arnold, Serge | Hutu dissidents call for international intervention force | AFP | |
D T | 32769 | January 17, 1995 | Grenade attack on church leaves five dead, 30 injured | AFP | ||
D T | 33358 | 17 janvier 1995 | Thorel, Jérôme | Je mine, tu mines, nous déminons... | Libération |
fgtquery v.1.9, February 9, 2024